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Because of the anxiety, this shake took ten percent of the force, and threw Qin back three steps, and then he barely stood still.

Xie Liqing didn't care about her. She stepped forward three or two steps and timidly stopped in front of Leng's: "Cicada jade, I ..."

Leng's looked at him, and then at the side concubine Qin Louyue, the lips flapped a meaningful arc, "how I never knew, you have a close relationship with the concubine."

Xie Liqing's scalp was numb with this bland remark. He was most afraid that Leng's was not cold or hot, which made him feel like he was suffering in the oil pan. Sometimes he would rather have her lose his temper hysterically or scold him and ask him what was going on. But she is not the kind of person. Even if she is reborn, she will only look at you coldly, clearly you have not done anything bad, but she was guilty.

Xie Liqing waved his hands again and again, busy explaining: "I just came out of the study, and accidentally met the concubine on the road. I just said two words. I was thinking of going to you, and you came.

Leng's eyes clearly said unbelief, but just a few words, as for pulling? She is not blind.

If it wasn't for Chen Ye who went to the main room to find her, she was worried about Qin's accident, so she would come to the study to discuss the countermeasures with her. How would she encounter the scene just now. Unexpectedly, the imperial concubine of King Dongping actually entangled her husband and called Leng's eyes wide open.

I do n’t know what they have done in the past.

Looking at Qin's expression, it seemed to be very wronged.

Qin was supported by the girl, standing behind Xie Liqing, and smiled at her reluctantly. "I also happened to pass by this place and saw Master Xie's hard work. I just wanted to ask him to walk in the pavilion for some snacks."

Leng's lips were raised, and he answered sparsely and politely: "Today, the snow is heavy, and the mother-in-law will not pass through here. It seems that the mother-in-law is casual and elegant before passing by."

Qin's face was stiff, and his smile almost couldn't stop.

Lengshi looked at Xie Liqing and looked at him coldly for a while, seeing that Xie Liqing almost couldn't resist, when she wanted to admit it, she smiled in her eyes. "Mother-in-law said that your office is hard. I said? If you really find it hard, I will let a few maids wait for you. "

Although she was laughing, her smile did not reach her eyes, with a little anger and threat.

Xie Liqing and her husband and wife had been together for more than ten years. How could he not feel her temper? If he dared to say yes at this time, there would be no good fruit for the next few days. He shook his head. "No, no. Do I feel hard with my wife?"

Leng asked again, "How do I remember you don't like snacks?"

He nodded approvingly. "Mrs. remembers well, I really don't like to eat."

Qin's face over there was white and white, almost whiter than the snowflakes falling from the sky. She stopped in front of them in disbelief, and frowned. "Cousin doesn't like snacks? I remember your favorite osmanthus osmanthus sugar cake before, every time I make it, you ..."

Today, the dim sum she took is osmanthus osmanthus sugar cake, which she borrowed from Xiefu's kitchen to make it herself. I thought he would like it very much, but he didn't expect to see it.

He used to eat two more every time she made sweets.

Why now?

Xie Liqing frowned. They were really angry. They were family members. What would it look like if they were so entangled? He said: "That was before, and now I don't like it anymore. Mother, please go back early, after you have been out for so long, it will be a bit inappropriate after all."

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