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Soon, Xie Yuan came from a distance and looked at Xie Xing up and down. Fortunately, my sister was not injured, but she cried a bit.

She turned her head, and the round almond stared at Gao Yan, very angry.

Gao Yi looked at her guilty, and then looked at Xie Rong. He didn't even know where to put his hands: "I'm not, I didn't mean it ..."

Xie Rong asked expressionlessly: "I don't know what Ah Xu did wrong, so that the girl in high school was so angry with her?"

If it hadn't happened for him, Xie Xun would have hit the rockery. She is only three years old. If something goes wrong, how can he tell his father and mother? Just how vicious a heart is for such a small child?

Gao Yong managed to see him, but he did not expect it in this way.

The eight-year-old girl already knows a lot.

She began to regret it, knowing that she should be polite to Xie Xun a little ... fearing that her image in his eyes would plummet, she tried to justify: "She wants to see the **** on my head, but this is a birthday gift from Gao Ye, I was afraid she would break, so I didn't let her watch ... Later, she wanted to grab, and I accidentally pushed her ... "

Although Xie Xing was crying, her ears were still very sensitive. When she heard this sentence, she looked up anxiously: "Brother I didn't grab it, I didn't ..."

Xie Rong looked away and wiped the tears on her face with her hand. "Do you want her bitch?"

Xie Xun's face was full of tears and snot, and she nodded aggrieved.

Xie Rong didn't blame her at all, and touched her bud head. "What's the matter? Brother Tomorrow will buy you a better looking one on the street. Ah Xu is so beautiful and should be lined with more beautiful rice dumplings."

The implication is that Gao Ling's branch is not good-looking.

Gao Yan flushed, and his words were more uncomfortable than humiliating her directly. She felt complacent, she had dressed up well before she came, but he didn't even look at it.

After coaxing Xie Xun, Xie Rong looked at her again and regained a cold expression: "This is Xie Fu, the home of Ah Xun. Since the girl in high school came to the house to be a guest, she should know the etiquette of guest. , You don't have to come back in the future. "

Although Xie Rong is small, he is extremely short-term. His two younger sisters are the darlings, who will not be polite if they do not bully them with long eyes.

At present, Gao Yan is an example. She is a little girl spoiled by her family. Immediately unbearable, cast aside angrily: "What is so rare, don't come if you don't come!"

Say boring head and ran out of Chunhuawu.

When the two children swinging in the distance saw their sister run away, they didn't think about it so much, they played with joy.

Gao Yan witnessed the whole process and apologized for his sister: "Sorry, I will tell my uncle and aunt when I go back and let them talk about her."

Xie Rong didn't say anything. He picked up Xie Xun and went out. When he turned around, he said to Xie Xie, "I'll take Ah Xuan back first, Lamb. Be careful, don't hurt yourself."

This remark was both an exhortation and a warning to Gao Ling.

Xie Yuan nodded and watched his brother and sister go away.

After experiencing just that time, both Xie and Gao had lost their mood of fun. They were sitting on the edge of the pond, both of them were a little unhappy.

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