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After returning home, Xie Yan was lost for several days.

Li Yu left without a word, and didn't even say hello.

Does he really hate her? Why did you invite her to fly a kite in another hospital? Xie Yi's small head thought for a few days could not figure it out, and finally he tossed himself sick. He lay sickly on the bed for more than ten days, and his small face suddenly lost weight.

The flesh was originally murmur, but now it feels a bit scratchy.

After getting better, Xie Yan asked the wild goose kite to be stored in the warehouse and never allowed to take it out again. There was a loop across a corner of the backyard, and she was asked to move up the ladder. She lay on it for a long time, and finally climbed down silently, and she remained silent in Leng's arms for a long time.

Leng's distressed and helpless, "Li Yu is gone, isn't Gao Ao still? Gao Ao often comes to you these days, why don't you see him?"

After Gao Gao learned that Li Yu did not bid farewell, Gao Gao also complained to this person, and dropped him from head to toe.

Xie Yan said dullly, "I am uncomfortable."

At a young age, he knew what it meant to be uncomfortable. Leng's can't help but laugh, kiss her brows, "What's this? There will be more people going away from you in the future, how can you take care of each one? Lamb, do you know what makes people come and go?" "

She raised her wet eyes: "Are there many people?"

Leng nodded and praised her for being smart. "There are so many people in the street, some people come, some people leave, and they come and go. This is a normal state, and we cannot avoid it."

Xie Yan did not understand, "What is normal?"

"It's a normal thing," Leng said.

She thought about it for a while, so is it normal for Brother Xiaoyu to leave?

She hugged Leng's waist, and there was one more thing in her arms: "But Brother Xiaoyu said he hated me."

Lengshi nodded her nose, enlightened her a little: "Don't you often say you hate Brother Xiaoyu? Then you really hate him?"

She didn't say a word, with a childish persistence, "I didn't hate it anymore, but when he left, I hated him."

Leng smiled slightly, pretending to be relieved, "That's all right, you're leveled, and no one owes anyone."

Xie Yan looked up, blinked, and suddenly thought that Niang was right.

She has improved in the haze for the past few days, grinning, leaning over to Lengshi, and tiredly said, "Anyang kisses ..."

Leng Shi sighed "You", his expression was helpless, but his face was smiling.

Gao Yi came to Li Fu several times to ask for help, but he never saw Xie Yi.

On this day, he perseveredly came again, but did not expect that Xie Yun would even invite him to Chunhuawu. He was so flattered that he hurried over and was seeing Xie Xun swinging slowly on his own.

He stepped forward and shouted joyfully, "Ama!"

Xie Yan looked up and smiled at him slightly. He felt that the flowers around him were not as good as hers.

The swing brought her forward, and then slowly swung back, stopping gradually. Then he could see that she had lost a lot of weight and had less flesh on her face. When she laughed, a shallow pear vortex appeared on both sides, which was frighteningly beautiful.

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