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After the New Year, Xie Yan was six years old. The girl grew up quickly when she was a child, and usually started to draw a lot, which is a lot taller than last year.

The spring shirt and summer shirt Thai brought back from Beijing are all too small. Leng Shi took her and made a sketch, and the cuffs and trouser legs were short. Lengshi smiled and said with emotion, "Minger will let Chen Yan go to the street to buy some materials and make some new clothes for you."

There is no child who does not like new clothes, and Xie Yan is no exception, immediately holding Leng's face and kissing, "I want to wear a skirt, a skirt with flowers and birds!"

She was talking about Leng's embroidered skirt with white flowers and birds. Leng's wore it only once when the ancestor of Dingguo's ancestor died, but the little girl remembered it and wanted a dress exactly like her. Leng's face squeezed her flirtatiously, "When the lamb grows up, Anang will give you that skirt, okay?"

Xie Ye was so happy that she lingered and asked, "Really, really?"

Leng never lied to her, "Of course it is true."

She really likes that skirt. I wish she could grow up quickly, and it would be best to grow up to be as tall as Anang, so she can wear beautiful skirts.

The next day Chen Ye brought someone to measure her size, and she also measured the height of Xie Xun and Xie Rong. Someone sent the materials to the house that afternoon and let them choose for themselves. Xie Yan was the most stinky. He picked seven or eight pieces of cloth, and made all the skirts, short shirts, and robes. I'm afraid I won't be short of clothes this year.

Xie Xun was uninformed. Xie said that she would choose which color looks good, and finally she chose four or five pieces of cloth for spring shirts and summer shirts.

Xie Rong followed his fingers in two colors, and the rest depended on Leng's.

Leng's asked Chen Min to write down one by one, "We will have to make clothes by the end of this month, otherwise the weather will be warm next month and we will have no clothes to wear."

Chen Yan responded in a hurry, leading a maidservant down.

After the snow melted, Qingzhou successively had several spring rains, one after another. Rain dripping on the eaves made a dingling sound, but it didn't drop much, and it persisted for half a month. On the last day of the month, the weather finally cleared.

Xie Yan and Xie Xing were suffocated in the room for half a month, and they had grown suffocated for a long time. After the rain stopped, they played around the entire Xiefu house only to be happy.

Their clothes were delivered that afternoon. Xie Yitong made a dozen clothes and put a long line on the chaise couch. She looked up one by one. She had a blouse made of delicate green four-way wishful moire satin, as well as a sky blue lake crepe dumpling and goose yellow embossed embroidered skirt ... Because the weather was hot, most of it was spring and summer. It's cool to wear.

Xie Yan tried it tirelessly, and it was all the right size, and the mood became gloomy because of rainy days. She chose the clothes that Shangxiang wore a few days ago. It was a cherry-colored shirt and a white gauze skirt. She wore a pair of sand-blue silk shoes on her feet. She even chose the accessories that day. Then, Billing's prepared for her thoughtfully.

I have to say that this little girl is very talented in dressing herself.

On the seventh day of February, Xie Yan changed her clothes early in the morning and sat in front of the mirror to ask Pisces to comb her hair.

She has no bud head today, and tied it into two buns with a red ribbon. The ribbon hangs down from both sides, more like a jade doll in a New Year's painting, cute and lovely. Pisces squatted and hung her sachet and peace charm, and lamented sincerely, "The girl must have grown up to be a beautiful country when she grows up."

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