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Unconsciously, he has been in Qingzhou for two years.

Xie Yan spent her seventh birthday in her own courtyard and received gifts from her father, mother and brother, a pink 箜篌 necklace and Jiqing Youyu silver hat flower. There is also a gift that the old lady of the Dingguo Government Palace specially sent from Beijing. It is a turquoise eighteen son.

Among the children of Dingguo Government, the old lady likes Xie Xun the most. She has been thinking about her for the past two years, and has been thinking so hard that she often asks her when to go back.

It's just that Xie Yuan is still young and can't leave her parents. I'm afraid I won't be able to return in the short term.

Although Xie Yanren is small, she has a lot of ghost ideas. Since she can't return to Beijing, she lays down at the table orderly and writes a letter to the old lady. Xie Liqing touched her head comfortably. "If you have any words that Lamb can't write, you can ask Dad."

Xie Yan proudly spit out his tongue, "I will write, don't look down on me."

She wrote down most of the pages, and no one allowed them to see it. She sealed it with fire paint and gave it to Xie Liqing's hands to let him help him to enter the capital.

After Xie Liqing went outside to contact the good guys, he also heard a news.

Li Fuqing ’s younger sister returned from her in-laws and brought back a seven- or eight-year-old daughter. I heard that the aunt was married to a merchant in his early years. The merchant was flooded with seawater three years ago and has not been able to return. The mother of the merchant said that she had killed her son and scolded her. She had a bad life at her in-law's house, but now she couldn't stand it anymore. She came to her brother's house.

It's not uncommon, all the neighbors should know.

Xie Liqing told Leng Shi about this. Leng Shi packed up the needle and thread, "then take a moment to look at it."

Xie Liqing also means this, after all, he is a neighbor and should move around often. Since the last time the two children had an accident at Puning Temple, the two of them have become more cautious, especially the Li family. They rarely see them when they go out.

At dinner, Xie Liqing talked about this at the dinner table.

Xie Yan first stated, "I'm going, I'm going!"

She and Li Yu hadn't seen each other for several months. It didn't matter if they stayed at someone else's house, but the two of them looked strangely across a wall.

Xie Liqing asked the other two children, "How about you?"

Xie Xing did not lift his head to eat. "Sister goes, I will go too."

Xie Rong had no opinion. Of course, his sister went to protect his younger sister.

So the matter was so settled. They went to the Li family as a guest early tomorrow morning, and Xie Liqing let people post the worship post first, so as not to get too obtrusive.

There was a light snow at night, and I stopped in the morning, and a thin layer of snowflakes accumulated on the ground.

The weather was colder than yesterday, and Leng's worried that the three children were freezing, so they each wore one extra piece of clothing. Xie Yan put on the off-white striped fox fur cape, combed a bud head, stood under the sun, covered with white, almost melting with the snow in the courtyard.

Partially she smiled like a little sun, leading Xie Xun to jump in front of her, and from time to time she turned around and urged Adian and Niang to go faster.

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