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It's almost mid-autumn, and the weather is getting colder every day.

A few days ago, people from Gaofu handed over their posts and wanted to return to Xiefu. People are here now, and Leng's is entertaining them in the hall. Because they came early, Xie Yuan and Xie Xun were still sleeping, and Leng Shi didn't wake them up.

After Xie Yan awoke, she was alone in the room.

She put on a cape with a embroidered embroidery and embroidery with a embroidery and a embroidered peony pattern, and combed her round bud heads as usual. The filigree bead chain dangled from both sides of the buds, and as she walked, she looked more agile and lively. She looked around and didn't find Xie Xun, and after she noticed that she was in Leng's main room.

"Axe, what are you doing?" She ran in from the door with a suspicious look.

Xie Xing was standing on the rosewood embroidery pier of Wu Li, shook his head at the little bird in the mirror of the four birds around the flower branch, "Look at me, is this beautiful?"

Taking a closer look, she found that a jade cicada gorge of Leng's was on her head.

Xie Xunqiang smiled and looked left and right. Xie Xun suddenly thought of pulling a snail, with a bun on his head, a small face very immature, but still pretending to look like an adult. It was really funny and funny. lovely. Every little girl has a teenage dream in her heart, and little Xie Xun is no exception.

Xie Yan seriously commented: "Beauty is beauty, that is, what seems to be shortcomings."

Xie Xing asked again and again, "What is missing?"

She climbed down from the chair and swayed and came to Xie Yuan, staring at her gazingly.

Xie Ling flashed, pointing at the makeup vanity on the dressing table. "Anyang will apply some rouge powder every time, why don't you try it?"

Xie Xing clapped his hands and said, "Okay."

After a few moments of silence, the two little guys glanced out head to head, their heads together. Xie Yi said: "Aniang is in the front yard and she can't let her know."

Xie Xun nodded and covered his mouth: "None of us are allowed to say."

The two little dots reached an agreement, and started to act around Leng's makeup. How could the inner room's movements be concealed from the maid outside, just because they were naive, and they thought that no one really knew what they were doing. Pisces and geese looked at each other helplessly, and could only hope that Leng's would return early.

Xie Yan opened the purple paint box of lotus petals, which contained red and gorgeous jade muscle rouge. She rubbed a piece and painted it on Xie Xun's face: "Don't move."

Xie Xing obediently did not move.

After the rouge was applied, Xie Yan opened another box and saw that it was ground with fine powder. Remembering that every time after the application, Aoni's face would become whiter, so she covered her hands and smoothed her sister's face. The next thing is thrush, fat ... After you're done, Xie Yi claps her hands, "Okay!"

Xie Xun couldn't wait to turn his head to look at the mirror, and was suddenly scared by the little monster in the mirror. Wow, he cried loudly: "Ugly!"

Her sisters inherited Leng's skin, which was originally white. Now Xie Xie was wiped with a face of jade powder by Xie Xuan, which was as white as paper. In particular, this white face also bears two red blushes, thick eyebrows, **** red lips, and a little female ghost coming out of the notebook.

No wonder Xie Xing cried so sad that she was afraid to be dressed like this by her sister, and she would never return.

Xie Ye also didn't feel good-looking, and said to her sister guiltily, "Would you also paint me?"

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