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Xu's abacus is delicate, but Leng's is not a bully.

Leng Shi took a sip of tea slowly and calmly and said, "This is not my decision, nor is it my grandma's decision. My three children have just returned from Qingzhou. The old lady is celebrating his birthday, and the two old men will be unhappy. But otherwise, I'm afraid they have to say that they are not filial.

This is true, and everyone with a good eye can see that the old lady is partial to the second room, and she loves several grandchildren in the second room. Because of this, the old lady became more and more eager to see the second room, and today she still barely had a good color.

Xu's visit this time apparently was ordered by the old lady, without the consent of the old lady, he wanted to have a chop first.

It's a pity that Leng's is not as good as many years ago. She just blocked her with a word easily.

Xu chuckled, and it was because of Leng's temperament that she talked to her so plainly. When Leng Shi first entered the Dingguo Mansion, Xu was very kind to her, at least maintaining the appearance of peace. However, I slowly discovered that Leng's person was hard and hard, and he was hard-hearted. If she talks to her indifferently, she doesn't care about you at all, and Xu's temper is gradually unkind to her.

Rao is so, it is still okay to take Leng's.

Xie Yan, like her, has a good daughter who has the ability to kill popularity. When Xie Ying returned to the room, she had a big temper, and all the people in the hospital were stunned, and each of them was frightened.

When Xu saw that she was unmoved, she took a step forward: "The old lady was afraid of your hard work and was not exhausted. I wanted you to rest for a few more days. Since my siblings don't want to rest, I'm not good enough. At the beginning of the birthday party, there will be a lot of VIPs coming. You ask the children to be cautious, so as not to bump into the VIPs. "Afterwards, he raised the silk scarf and nodded. As a rule, many things have to be learned slowly. "

Leng's glanced at her, "Today, my father praised his son-in-law and thoughtful manners, fearing that he would be more concerned."

She gave an old lady a bite, leaving Xu with nothing to say.

She was telling the truth, which made people want to refute.

She knows her children best. Although Xie Yuan and Xie Xun usually do not adjust, one is lazy and the other is soft, but it can still win her glory at critical moments. In particular, Xie Ye is a very clever child who knows how to score on major events and knows how to advance and retreat. Leng's grateful that they lived in Qingzhou for almost ten years. They were pure in nature, lively and lovely, and were not infected by the smoky environment of the state government.

After Xu's words had been said, the benefits were not caught, but he touched a gray nose, and his face was a little unpleasant. She got up and walked out of the door, and said to Leng Shi: "No need to send it."

Looking back, Leng's sitting upright in a rosewood circle chair, how could she get up to send her?

She froze, turned and followed the girl.

Passing by Xie Yi's room, to the two girls with **** eyes, she wanted to make a kind smile, but she couldn't smile, her mouth dropped, and she walked out of the Yutang courtyard ugly.

Xie Xun stood up and stomped his feet, looking at Xie Yi with a doubtful look: "Sister, why is the expression so scary?"

Xie Yan was leaning on the smoked cage. The nose was a fragrance of agarwood, which struck and made people drowsy. She half-closed her eyes and yawned, "She came out of A-niang's room, she must have said something to A-niang, but unfortunately, A-niang, she was sulking with herself."

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