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Gao Yong and Li Yu gave the old lady a birthday in advance, so instead of going to the front yard, she would hang out in the back yard.

They were originally going to the study. When they walked halfway, they saw two female dolls in front of them, turning like headless flies. Gao Yan thought where the thief came from, and asked sternly, but he did not expect such a person who was so beautiful. As soon as she looked back, he felt that the whole house was bright.

Yu Nen's cheeks are like white pear flowers, clear and crystal clear.

He suddenly remembered the little fairy described in the myth book, probably like her, born so beautiful and exquisite?

Gao Ling was still in a trance, and saw the little fairy-women running from the opposite side, smiling and cute. He thought she was going to talk to himself, and coughed nervously, ready to take her word. Unexpectedly, she went straight to Li Yu next to him, her voice soft and sweet: "It turns out that Xiaoyu brother is here, I have been looking for you for a long time!"

He tilted his head and saw Li Yu subconsciously take a half step back.

Li Yu swallowed and asked dryly, "What are you asking me to do?"

Master Li Xiao was in a bad mood, because he hid from hiding and was eventually found by her. Why is this smelly girl so tangled? There is her everywhere.

Speaking of Xie Yun, she was depressed. She said strangely: "Elder brother Xiaoyu doesn't come to my house every time. Aunt Song said that you are not healthy, so I didn't bother you. Last time I sang to you. You don't like to listen to songs. Actually I still play the flute. Do you like to listen to the flute? "

Li Yu was not angry at all because of this. He remembered how he looked embarrassed at the time, and finally managed to have a rosy little face again.

Xie Yan pouted in disappointment, "Why don't you want to listen to this, and don't want to listen, what do you like to hear?"

She had misunderstood his gender last time, and sincerely wanted to apologize to him, but he didn't appreciate it. She also has a temper!

Xie Tong raised her mouth. She was raised by her father and mother in her hands and grew up because of her looks. When was she so neglected? Brother Xiaoyu is really too ignorant.

Li Yu lied: "I don't like anything."

Why does anyone like nothing? That's not all fun!

Xie Xie didn't believe, "Well, I'll teach you to play the flute, but it's good to learn, you will definitely like it."

Li Yu made a mistake, shook his head and refused: "No need ..."

The two spoke, completely treating the others as furnishings. Gao Ling was hung aside, his expression was awkward. He wanted to talk to Xie Hui, but he couldn't find a suitable opportunity. If it wasn't for Xie Xing coming up, he would probably stand a while and Xie Xuan would not find him.

Xie Xun pulled her sleeve. "Sister, shall we not go to the kitchen?"

Xie Yan then remembered that there was still business, and no longer lingering on Li Yu, he changed his inquiries and asked, "Does Xiaoyu know where the kitchen is?"

Li Yu didn't speak, and Gao Yong, who was on the side, asked, "What are you doing in the kitchen?"

Xie Yan finally turned his attention to him, his head crooked and wondering, "Who are you?"

The little fairy finally looked at him, Gao Ling was so excited that his face was calm and calm, "This is my house, my name is Gao Ling."

Oh, Xie Ao nodded, smiling brightly, "My name is Ao."

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