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The visitor is King Dongping.

Some time ago, the queen mother Gao Shou, the king of Dongping rushed from the land to Beijing to celebrate the queen ’s birthday. Now she rushed back to Dongping with her concubine, passing by Yidu County, Qingzhou, and dragged her to visit Xie Liqing. King Dongping and Xie Liqing have dealt with each other and admiring each other is a rare friendship.

Princess Dongping was unwell, so she didn't take her out with her, only one side concubine.

The side concubine Qin is about the same age as Leng, with a good-looking appearance. She looks like a willow and is as thin as a gust of wind. She held an infant baby in her arms and looked only months old.

Leng's and Xie Liqing met in front, and Xie Yuan also followed, and originally wanted to make fun of it, but Wang Dongping actually gave her two beautiful lotus lamps. She took it happily, thanked sweetly, turned around and told Leng's to take it back to play with her sister.

Leng didn't object, and touched her head. "Go."

Before leaving, Xie Yi just looked at the upper concubine Qin. She bent her eyes innocently and smiled at Qin's. However, Qin's gaze was a bit complicated, and she kept watching her walk outside the Linghua Gate before lonely looking back.

With a lantern in his hand, Xie Xuan came to the backyard cheerfully, just to see Xie Rong and Xie Xing were holding a porcelain bowl, and they were sitting under the porch to eat the Lantern Festival. There is a small rosewood snail on the bottom of the gallery. The floor is covered with thick velvet blankets and the stove is burning around. They are sitting on each side, not to mention how pleasant it is.

Xie Yi was a little angry, came to them anxiously: "Brother and Axue didn't call me for the Lantern Festival? I want to eat too!"

Xie Rong put down the bowl and asked the maid to serve another bowl of red bean paste.

He came here just now and saw that Xie Xun was just eating the Lantern Festival, and there was no adult to take care of him, so he just sat down and ate with her. I didn't expect to be seen by Xie Yi, the little guy kind of minded, and raised his cheeks to sit between him and Xie Xun, the little mouth was raised high.

Xie Xun took a chubby plump Lantern Lantern with a silver spoon and brought it to her mouth, a little bit guilty and flatteringly, "Sister eat."

She looked for a moment, opened her pink mouth and ate it.

After a while, Pisces brought her bowl up and put it in front of her. She took two bites, and she was finally not angry. Then she remembered that there were two lotus lamps. She picked up the lotus lamp behind her and put it on the table. One was pushed to Xie Xuan and the other was left to herself. "This is from King Dongping, please see if you like it?"

Xie Xun's eyes were bright. Although she liked the lotus lamp very much, she was more obsessed with eating. After eating the Lantern Festival in the bowl, she reached out to reach the lotus lamp. The lotus lamp has three layers, and each layer is painted with different colors. When the wick inside is lit, the petals on the outside are reflected in colorful and beautiful.

The sisters couldn't help it, and they played in the yard on the spot.

The two little guys ran from one end to the other, and a clear laugh passed to the next Li's house, so that Li Yu, who was eating, heard clearly.

Li Yu took a bite of the Lantern Festival, and frowned her brow.

What's so happy? Can't you laugh softly?

Since returning to the streets, the parents of the two have not allowed them to go out again. Most of them are scared, and even Xie Wei rarely leaves the house. Xie Liqing and Leng Shi came to the Li House to thank him, and even gave a lot of gifts, thanking Li Yu for bringing Xie Yuan back from the street. Xie Wei didn't come. I heard that she was frightened. She was a bit timid recently.

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