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After Xie Rong and Xie Xun were lost, they immediately looked around with Gao's servants. However, they were scattered by the crowd, and they couldn't find Xie Yuan and Li Yu after a long search.

Xie Rong looked anxious, and the serious handsome face had no extra expression. He asked Wang Guanshi to go to the door to inform Xie Liqing, but he continued to search nearby.

I just lost a child, can I lose another one? Wang Guanshi said that he would not leave him, either they would go back together, or they would stay together.

Gao Yue stepped forward and said, "Go back, I'll take someone to continue to find Ah Yi and Ah Yu."

Xie Rong's eyes scraped over like a knife and scraped on him, making his teeth tremble cold. He knew that everything was his own fault, and if it wasn't for his insistence on bringing him out, such an accident would not have happened at all. He also regretted it and was also worried about Xie Yuan and Li Yu, so he wanted to do his best.

In the end, Gao Ye and Wang Guanshi did not leave. Xie Liqing, an attendant, went to the door to inform.

Xie Liqing rushed over immediately after learning about it, looking anxious, he did not want to teach the child, and led a group of people to search nearby.

As everyone knows, Xie Yuan and Li Yu went in the opposite direction. They found one afternoon and one evening but couldn't find it.

Seeing the sky was dark, I'm afraid there will be more danger if I don't come back.

Xie Liqing was so anxious that he dared not tell his wife Leng Shi. However, in the end, he didn't hide it. Leng's probably heard about it from the lower population. He almost passed out when he heard it.

Her baby lamb is lost, what a small and so petite little man, what if he suffers?

Xie Xun was young and coquettish, she was even more so than Xie Xun. Especially when she was in the Dingguo government, she was only four years old. She was pushed into the snowdrift by her three sister Xie Ying in the winter. Other girls are strong and strong, and playing with snow is okay. Only her body is the most honest. If you have a little dissatisfaction, you will show it. If you freeze, you will get sick.

You can't fight or scold, you can only hold it in your palm.

Now that their lovely daughter was lost on the street, Leng's thoughts became more and more sad and desperate, and she couldn't help crying sitting at the window.

Xie Liqing did not know the situation at home, and was still discussing with the crowd in the door to find someone. At this time, they have to make the worst plan. If they are abducted, they will find all the people in Qingzhou. They must find two children.

Li Xiqing and Gao Qing heard the news. Gao Qing pulled his son to pay for the crimes. Xie Liqing and Li Xiqing talked politely, but both were very worried.

Twilight simmered in the evening, and the yamen turned into a pot of porridge, and all knew that the daughter of the adult prefect was lost.

The sky gradually darkened, and the red sunset in the distance left the last rays of light. After a long struggle, it sank.

The darker it gets, the more unsafe it is. How can two children spend the night outside? The light in Xie Liqing's and Li Xiqing's eyes gradually faded, with heavy fatigue and hopelessness.

Suddenly, the gatekeeper came in and said, "Sir, there are two children at the door, I wonder if ..."

Before he finished speaking, Xie Liqing went out in a gust of wind.

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