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The wolverine was especially clear in the empty valley at night.

Xie Yan shuddered, subconsciously near Li Yu.

Both are children. Although Li Yu is more mature than her, she is unavoidable. Now the last little sun on the west side also disappeared, and the mountain forest soon darkened. The cold night light hit the feet by the leaves and sprinkled a silver ash. There was no light around them, and they could only rely on the faint moonlight to illuminate the road in front of them.

Li Yu didn't hesitate this time, holding her hand, "Let's find a place to hide."

Xie Xun walked close to him without stopping, looking around as he walked, for fear that a beast suddenly came out in a certain corner. She had never seen a wolf, but when other parents scared the child, she always said that if they were not obedient, they would let the wolf take them away. She kept in mind and was afraid of animals like the wolf tiger and leopard.

After walking for a while, he was probably attracted by the **** smell of Li Yu, and the howling was getting closer.

Xie Yan walked with both small legs sore, but was afraid to say that he was tired, because Li Yu was more pitiful than her, and he was injured. She blinked and wiped back the tears in her eyes. "Brother Xiaoyu, do you still hurt? Would you like me to carry you?"

Li Yu shook his head without thinking, "No."

He is a boy, older than Xie, what does he always want her to look like? And now it doesn't hurt much anymore, Xie Yan is so stupid and so thin, he can only walk more slowly on his back.

There is a village not far away, and there are cooking smoke in the chimneys of several houses. If they arrive in the village before the wolves, they may get their lives back.

After Li Yu told Xie Xie this idea, Xie Xie immediately trembled and walked faster than he could. "Let's go!"

Li Yu sang and followed her steps.

In fact, he can't walk for a long time. He bleeds too much blood, and it is the limit to support it. He felt that the sight in front of him was getting more and more blurred, and his vision was getting darker. At the end, his legs fell to the ground with a soft knee.

In front of Xie Yuan, when she heard the movement, she turned her head, and the emotions of fear and helplessness suddenly surged, and she couldn't help crying.

She squatted in front of Li Yu and kept calling: "Brother Xiaoyu, Brother Xiaoyu ..."

Li Yu would not even have the energy to abandon her. She closed her eyes and said, "You go."

Xie Yan shook his head and said no, "Let's go together."

She is a small child and doesn't know the reason. All she knows is that they are good partners. They can only walk together if they want to go. Even if Li Yu was walking slower and slower, she never thought about leaving him alone and running away, leaving him here alone.

The wolves behind approached gradually, Xie Wei turned his head, and through the hazy tears, he could even see the eyes glowing with distant green light.

She bit her lower lip, rubbed her sleeves to wipe her tears, grabbed Li Yu's arm, carried him on her back, and after seeing the road clearly, she moved forward with a little effort.

Li Yu's voice was weak, and she somewhat hated the taste of iron and steel: "Do you want to die?"

She shook her head and choked, "I don't want to die. Brother Jade can't die either. We want to go home together."

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