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Twilight is full, and at the beginning of the month, the sky gradually sinks.

Xie Yan waited for a day, but did not wait for Li Yu.

Did n’t you take her to fly a kite? Why not come She waited boringly, sitting on the stone steps at the door of the house, playing with the kite. She took the kite in her hand for a day, and looked left and right, and she could make one herself. She waited impatiently: "Why can't Xiaoyu brother come?"

Leng's walked out of the house, afraid that she was freezing, so she asked the girl to take a piece of plain makeup, and put it on her. "

Lengshi saw her daughter wait for a day, why not feel bad?

It is a pity that this child has a bad temper, and it is useless to persuade him. He must wait until Li Yu comes. Leng's afternoon went to the Li family and asked him if something had happened to his house. However, the door of the Li family was closed and no one agreed. The next man came back to Tongluo and said that the Li family was empty. Lengshi told this to Xie Yang intact. Xie Yang didn't believe it. "He said to me long ago. Will come! "

So wait till now.

Leng's sighed, there is no one in the Li family, maybe the whole family has gone out, how did Li Yu come to pick her up? Why does this child admit death?

After dinner, Xie Yan was really tired, and finally realized that Li Yu would not appear.

She was a bit frustrated, looking at the dark night sky, throwing the kite to the ground, stomping her feet with anger: "Little brother Jade is a big liar!"

After venting, she looked at the misty lights under the corridor, and she looked down at the crumpled kite under her feet and sucked her nose.

As soon as she thought it was bought by her father, she silently picked up the kite from the ground, and stretched out her little hand, stroked it, flattened it, and held it in her arms.

Lengshi stood under the porch, and whispered, "Lamb, go back to the house with Anang."

She softly called A-niang, flew into Leng's arms quickly, her head was pinched on Leng's stomach, and she felt sad and wronged: "Brother Xiaoyu lied to me ..."

Leng rubbed her head and comforted her: "He may have been delayed ..."

She was embarrassed, still not reconciled, "But he told me ... he will pick me up today ..."

Leng had to say, "Then you meet next time and ask him, why didn't you come today? He will apologize to you."

Brother Xiaoyu would not apologize, he never apologized to her.

Xie Xie shook her head, sulking in general: "No, I won't see him next time."

It was not enough at the end, and added: "I don't want to play with big scammers."

Leng's thought it was funny, the child just loves to talk irritably, but which sentence can be taken seriously? Maybe in a few days, the two little guys have played together again.

The few days she and Li Yu were lying on the wall talking, she listened to everyone. It's really a little kid, and he said he hated each other the moment before, but the next moment he could release his head and talk to his head. As long as they didn't hurt themselves, Leng's basically opened one eye and closed one, and let them go.

But this time, no one had expected that Xie Yi's words would come to an end.

After three or five days, the Li family still had nothing to do.

In the past, there are always people entering or leaving the gate, or businessmen who are looking for Li Xiqing to talk about business. However, these days, I don't know what happened.

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