Chapter 1

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Hey there! Welcome to our rendition of Unlocked! 

1234567890lalalala and I have taken turns writing each chapter. We started writing this before Unlocked came out, and then we wanted to continue it because it has been so much fun to writeThis takes place right after Legacy, so just try to forget everything that happened in Unlocked lol. New chapters will be posted every Tuesday, Thursday, and Saturday. I hope you guys enjoy! 


"Ok. Let's do this." Oralie said.

"Wait... before we do this... I have something to say." Sophie said.


Sophie hesitated. "I'm sorry. I'm sure the Black Swan told you to keep the secret, and you were loyal and kept the secret. Also, you did your best to save me from terrible things. I'm glad the Black Swan chose a kind, loyal, councillor to be my mother."

By the end of that, Sophie burst into tears. Oralie was blinking back tears, but couldn't hold them any longer.

"Sophie, I'm the one to be sorry here. I kept a huge secret from my own daughter. I'm so sorry."

Sophie." Oralie whispered so her voice wouldn't crack.

They just sat there crying for a few minutes. Then Sophie remembered why Oralie was here in the first place.

"Okay. Let's do this." Sophie said. This time with more determination.

"You're right. Okay, here it goes. St-" Oralie got cut off.

Someone was hailing Sophie, and it was Fitz! Fitz was at the healing center with Keefe!

"Oralie... I know we were super close, but Fitz is with Keefe! I need to take this!"

"I understand. I'll be at my castle. Hail me when you're ready." Oralie said.

Oralie glittered away.

Sophie picked up her hailing imparter.

"Hi!" Sophie said.

"Hey! I have some news, but oh my gosh! It's so good to see your face again."

That wasn't Fitz's voice.

It was really different from Fitz's voice.

Keefe's voice.


Ugh!! Who is throwing things at my head? KEEFE!! Wake up!

Keefe's eyes opened.

Fitz didn't notice though. He was too busy throwing prattles at Keefe's head.

"Would you please stop?" Keefe said.

"KEEFE!!!! You're awake!!! Too bad Sophie wasn't here. She was here for like forever, but I told her to take a small break. Ro's been here too. Everyones super worried about you." Fitz said.

"How many times did my dad come?" Keefe asked.

That was the question Fitz was hoping Keefe wouldn't ask.


"What did he do?"

"Well, he yelled at you saying that you shouldn't have gone to help Sophie."


"Are you ok Keefe?"

"Yeah... What did my mom do when I was asleep?"

"That I do not know, because I was in a different group."

"Oh, ok. Where's Foster anyway?"

"Probably under the Panakes tree."

"Sounds like Foster. Can we hail her?"

"I think we should let her have some rest."

"Fitz come on. Let me hail her. I don't have my imparter, but I need to see Foster. Fitz, come on." Keefe said

When Keefe closed his eyes real hard, he felt something weird.

Like a rush of energy.

When he opened his eyes, Fitz gave him his imparter.

"What did you just do? I didn't want to give that to you!" Fitz said though he had a smile on his face.

"I don't know."

"It's ok. You should probably see her, and she probably wants to know you're awake."

"Wait! Wait!" Elwin yelled.

He came rushing into the room.

"Give me a command, and then shut your eyes tight, and as you close your eyes pretend like that will force me to do it." Elwin said.

"Ummm... ok. Go away for 10 seconds." Keefe said. He was so unsure, but he closed his eyes shut, and tried to feel it.

There it was again.

That rush of energy.

"Just as I thought." Elwin yelled from his office.

It worked.

Ten seconds later Elwin came back.

"You have manifested a new ability." Elwin grinned.

"What??!! What ability? Is that even possible?" Keefe yelled.

"Well, I guess it's possible."

"But what ability?"

"Keefe, you have manifested as a Mesmer."

"Ok, that's it. I'm hailing Foster."

Keefe sat up.

"Show me, Sophie Foster."

Sophie's face came into view. She looked thrilled to see Keefe.

"What's your news, Keefe?" Sophie asked.

Keefe took a deep breath.

"I'm a Mesmer."

This chapter was written by 1234567890lalalala. 

She's awesome--go follow her! :)

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