Chapter 13

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The next day I was sitting with aunt Lilly at the counter, sitting on a bar stool drinking coffee and eating waffles, before school.

"I have a date tonight." Aunt Lilly said, after a few minutes of us eating our food in silence.

"Really? Who?" I ask, this doesn't faze me, for as long as known aunt Lilly-which is all my life, she has been the adventurous type she mostly doesn't stick to one guy, it has been awhile since she has gone on a date though.

Aunt Lilly was thirty-one, I remember my dad telling me he's the one who always got her out trouble half the time.

"A guy I met on one of flights, he's really hot." She gushed. Sometimes aunt lily reminded me of a teenager more than myself.

With her love with anything sparkly, always seeking to find the next potential date, and always up for a good time, there's no doubt that sometimes she can come off that way.

I hear a loud horn, and know it's Collin, he's going to drop me off at school today because aunt Lilly's car is at the shop for repair.

"Bye!" I say giving her a quick peck on her cheek, and rush to the door with my bag, the add, "tell me more about it later?"

"Of course , and say hi to Collin for me." She says once I'm at the door. I nod, and walk to the car.

Aunt Lilly was fine with my group of friends, at first she wasn't too keen on the people I hung out with, but after properly meeting them she was fine, considering most act like five year olds.

The drinking? Was a different story at first she would scold me for it, but after awhile she started letting me do what I want, since I always was safe, that doesn't stop her from reminding me daily that sooner or later, I have to figure out a way to stop completely, especially since last years incident, I don't let her know most times I have a drink.

At least I don't drink as much as I used. I have gotten wasted a few times, but it's definitely less than it was last year.

I hop into the car, trying to not let my brain wander there.

"Finally I thought I was going to be in this car forever." Is the first thing Collin says to me, not surprising.

"Well hi to you to asshole." I say back.

"Yeah hi." He says, pulling out of the driveway, he's not a morning person, then again people are happy and jolly in the morning must have some secret.

"What's crawled up your ass and died?" I say staring at his annoyed face.

"I had to get up at seven in the morning for this."

"Well you should be waking up seven everyday."


"You know uni, your classes?" I say. "Do you even go to class?"

"Yes!" He says, yeah right as if the only reasons the other two idiots I call my friends are in class right now is so they don't fail their tests. That is one of the only times they attend class for the exams and quizzes, they end taking notes from peers who go to class with them.

"Keep telling your self that." I say sarcastically.

We end up arriving at my school a few minutes later, perfect timing, allowing about five minutes before my first class.

"Thanks for the ride Co." I say getting out of the car.

"Have fun at school!" He says in the most sarcastic voice he can.

"Shut the hell up." I say with a smile on my face as I close the door, I start to walk up to the door of my school.

I see Ryver looking at me, from the corner of my eye he's standing with his friends next to the school's entrance. I look at him and then he looks away quickly.

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