Chapter 50

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R y v e r s   P O V

My hand shakes as I bring it down from the door, the door opens a minute later revealing a tired and hungover-looking Ensleey, eyes bloodshot, with red circles lining them.

Did she drink with him? Do shots? I wouldn't be surprised if she also took some coke or hell knows what else.

The thoughts that pass by me only make me more livid.

"We're over," is all I say, I had a whole damn speech prepared where the hell did it go?

Oh yeah with my confidence, both packed their bags and left the moment I stepped onto her porch.

"W-what?" She asks in a voice, that makes me want to take back the two words that are destroying us.

"I can't be with a cheater Ensleey, you can stop lying to me now," I say looking down, one look at her and I will be a goner.

"I- '' she sighs, I hear her sob, and I can't help but look back at her to see a stream of tears travelling their way down her face, "I would never," she manages in between sobs.

"I saw you with someone else!" My voice is raised higher than I ever would allow it with her, and my own tears are threatening to make an appearance at the drama fest.

"With who?" She cries out, "You're the only one!"

"I- saw the video, Ens," I say before turning around I can't be here anymore or else I will most definitely wrap her in my arms, "we're done,"

I say all this and rush to my car before she can get another lie out.

To her credit, she pulls a good show.

When I'm finally in my car, I let my own sobs echo out. I have never been a crier, today is unlike any other day, so I'm not surprised to add another unexpected event.

I slam my hands over my wheel and look back over to where Ensleey still stands leaning on the door, her face blotchy with fake tears.

If she cared, she wouldn't have been with him, I shake my head ignoring the lies she painted her face with, and drive away.

Leaving behind half of my heart.


E n s l e e y s    P O V

I fall to the ground in a heap of tears, feeling so much pain, and wondering if Parker had done anything, that would be the only explanation.

I deserved it, no one ever stays, it shouldn't be surprised how little it took Ryver to leave me too.

I never deserved his love or his care, so I know it's not worth it to even try.

After too long of sitting on the cold wooden floor, I walk up the stairs and go into the bathroom to make a mistake I promised myself to never repeat. The only thing that will help is my reminder.

I'm glad knowing Collin had no choice but to leave earlier, having to finish his assignment and call his mother like he promised to do every Sunday.

I walk into my room first, looking for the bottle of vodka I hid here a while back, mainly for emergencies.

I find it in the back of my small closet, I take it with me and grab the bag I have tapped under the bathroom sink, that I never thought I would use, I mainly kept it to show myself that I do have self-control.

How fucking mistaken that had been,

I chug down a bit of vodka, before putting three pills of molly from the bag, I'll start small.

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