Chapter 42

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It's been a few days since the mayhem occurred, I haven't drunk anything since.

Mainly because I don't want to be that person again, I want the past to stay where it should be.

Things with Jake and Ryver are tense, I've attempted to hang with the two at once, and neither said a word to each other.

So I have no idea if my plan will work but I'm dragging the two to a cafe that is close to downtown.

I have no idea how it'll play out, though they have amazing baked goods, so if it doesn't at least we will all be eating cake.

Cake can solve our problems, hopefully.

I know that this is the silliest thing I can come up with but it's not like I have much time to plan anything extravagant.

Anyway, the whole ordeal is tonight, since we're all on winter break, we don't have to wait the weekend.

It took some convincing but both are going willingly.

That's a lie but who cares?

They're both going to be grouchy.

But there's cake!

So hopefully things will play out fine in the end.

And if it doesn't, and one or both end up dead by the end of the night?

Then, I'd never heard of either boy, but saw them in the coffee shop when I was going to order my drink and yummy cake.

See believable?

I won't be blamed for their deaths that's for sure.


I'm currently in my car with Grumpy.

You know the dwarf?

Okay not literally, but I'm in a good mood and Jake's annoyance is only adding to my good mood, he is grumpy that is for certain.

"Why did I agree to this shit again?" Is what Jake asks me, as I drive to my boyfriend's house, which is also Jake's childhood home.

Still hasn't fully sunk in.

"Because you love me,"

"No, I just remembered I think it's because of the cake you promised me actually," He gives a small smile, "you are still paying for it right?"

"Sadly," I sigh, it's not like I don't have the cash, during the summer I worked a few shifts at a local ice cream parlour, for many reasons, that go higher than money.

Aunt Lilly always provides me with an allowance so that also helps.

Not that I like taking her cash. But I appreciate her effort to show that she still has a bit of trust in me.

When we finally arrive, I send a message to Ryver instead of getting out.

He goes to open the passenger side door, but Jake is already there, he gives him a small smile.

He's obviously trying to rub it in Ryver's face.

Ryver goes to the back, probably not wanting to make unnecessary conversation with his brother.

This is going to be a long night I think to myself.


We arrive in the area around forty minutes later, traffic is a bitch, and we still have to walk a bit.

Since the parking lot is tiny, it's easier to just park next to the many shops that line the streets.

Rather than face the load of traffic, we'd surely run into.

Now here's the real problem, the two stubborn idiots that are on each side of me.

Ryver is holding my head on one side, while Jake is on my other broody as ever his arms crossed walking along the side of us.

It's as if they're going to get sick or something if they even try to be close together.

So really I don't know if my evil plan to get these two to communicate properly is going to bode well.

Maybe there's still a chance that they will be chasing rainbows and butterflies when we have cake.


Okay, so the maybe about them chasing rainbows and butterflies when we have cake?

Yeah no that didn't go well we're currently seated in a small booth next to the window, where you can see the busy traffic of Toronto from.

I like that view better than the one that is at my table, the two brothers still haven't bonded.

I really had faith in the cake.

It disappointed me that it didn't do anything.

I have a slice of funfetti cake, Ryver has chocolate, and Jake has something elaborate that he only got to be petty.

At least he's seeming to enjoy it, he hasn't looked up from his dessert since he'd got it.

I've tried to make conversation really I had, Ryver tried more than Jake had.

From what I'm getting at, Jake is worried.

Worried that if he gets along with his brother, will lead to him having to be honest about the whole Rachel thing.

I don't blame him, even if I hate that my plan isn't going well, I know how difficult it will be for him to open that can of worms.

Now we're just sitting in silence, the only sounds that surround us are the clicking of the fork hitting the plate, the chatter of others, and the sound of the machines in the back.

At least there's cake.

When we finally finish our cake, we get up and leave.

I once more try to make some conversation.

I see a tattoo shop sign lighting brightly, in the navy blue evening.

"Hey look at that! It looks pretty doesn't it?" I say pointing to the tattoo shops sign that actually does look pretty, with the font, and designs that surround the large oval sign that reads "M's tattoos,"

Jake shoots me a look, obviously noticing my horrible attempt at making a joke.

Though when we go to walk away I notice Ryver eyes the place a second too long before we leave.

I wonder what that was about.

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