Chapter 3

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It has been two days since me and Ryver had came to the agreement to work on the project next Saturday, we still didn't say where, but at least I don't think I'll end up doing all the work. Well hopefully. 

We have chemistry two times a week Tuesday and Thursday, so now I'm walking onto chemistry, and for the first time Ryver's here before me. He stares at my face longer than usual yes I say usual because this guys a creep and sometimes stares at me, I don't ever say anything. I probably should...

"Whats your problem?" I snap. I didn't mean to sound rude but I have a killer hangover, a very stupid decision to get wasted on school night. A stupid stupid decision. He moves so I can take my seat, then I turn to face him. Now that I'm sitting.

"Sorry, you just..." Ryver doesn't finish his sentence, instead he averts his gaze to the desk. 

"Really you can't finish your sentence?" I scoff. Why am I always rude when I'm hungover. 

"You know Ensleey for someone who's always quiet you sure have a big mouth." 

"And what makes you think I'm quiet?" I ask, he doesn't know me, we share one class together and see each other only twice a week. So what could make him assume I'm always like this?

"You're always alone and I never see you talking-" He stops when he sees my confused stare. The quarterback notices me? What the hell. 

"Excuse me? Do you watch me or something?" This is a little creepy, for some reason I think of that guy from that one show, i can't pinpoint the name at the moment.

Why did I think it would be fine to have a drink last night?

"No, but I've seen you sitting alone a few times." He admits his cheeks a tinge pink. I find this hilarious I got Ryver embraced. I hold back my laugh. 

"That doesn't mean I don't have friends," I say. It isn't a lie, its the truth is all my friends are at least a year older than me. He raises an eyebrow. "None of them go to this school." 

Why did I just tell him this? I hate myself. 

Before our conversation can go any further our teacher walks in. 


At lunch I sit where I normally sit, on an empty table close to the corner of the cafeteria. 

I like sitting alone being in my own peace of mind, plus it's better than sitting with any of the idiots that attended my school.

As I'm reading in my book, I feel another presence. I look up from my page to see Ryver, taking a seat next to me. With a genuine smile playing on his lips. 

He's smiling at me. Ryver is smiling at me while sitting at my table. What the hell is going on. 

"Uh what are you doing?" I say.

"Eating lunch." He shrugs pulling a sandwich from his brown bag, acting as if this completely normal. Which it totally is. Of course.

Yeah no, I haven't sat nor has anyone sat with me for lunch in. a long time. 

"I can see that. Why here?" I say, as if I'm talking to a small child. 

"Cause why not? You don't mind do you?" He says, focusing on me now, rather then his sandwich.

"Yes I mind." I say. I shouldn't act cold towards him. But since when do people act and talk nice to me this isn't a normal  occurrence for me.

People acting nice to me for no reason? There has to be something fishy going on. I don't care if I'm acting paranoid. Trust is a big deal with me. 

"Well too bad."He continues eating. 

So I do the only thing I could think of, I ignore him. 

About five minutes pass, before Ryver decides to speak. "So are you ignoring me?" 

What do I say? I'm not good at conversation especially with people I barely know. I Expected him to leave if I didn't say anything.  

"I just don't know what to say." I admit. He keeps staring at me waiting for me to elaborate. "Its just I'm not used to people to want to start a conversation with me. Talking and-" I cut myself off from my sudden ramble before I embarrass myself further.

Why cant I lie all of sudden. It's like my mouth has a mind of its own now. That would be so funny for my mouth to have a mind of its own, like how would that work-

"Why are you smiling?" I look up to see Ryver with an amused expression on his face. "So as I was saying you don't believe that I want to be friends with you?" 

"Yes." I blurt without thinking. "I mean..." I trail off I cant think of anything to say. 

Think, think. Damn it conversations shouldn't be so complicated.

"Whats your favourite movie?" He suddenly says, looking anywhere but at me.

Im surprised he changed the subject. nevertheless I answer him, though feel extremely awkward and anxious. 

We speak for the rest of lunch about random things and it gets easier the more we talk, and for the first time in awhile, I'm having a normal conversation, with someone other then my four friends. 

It's nice.

I guess Ryver Webb isn't too bad. 


A u t h o r s    N o t e:

Thank you so much whoever is reading my story it's means a lot.


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