Chapter 55

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E n s l e e y s    P O V

It's nearing ten o'clock, and I am starting to hate the idea of being sober and I'm in desperate need of alcohol. Or a few pills, really anything to make me feel amazing again.

Though today is the second day of sobriety, this only has to last for another four days before Aunt Lilly leaves again.

Then I can go back to getting high at parties.

I do as much homework as possible, it's harder to do them when I'm high, so if I can get enough done, to last me the month, should be helpful.

My phone buzzes when I'm on the second page of the never-ending questions my English teacher assigned us.

Justin's name is bright on the screen, I got his number a while back, but we never had much communication.

I contemplate answering, then decide that it could be important.

"Hi Ensleey, sorry to bother you," Is what Justin says right when I answer, well I guess that there is no time for a simple 'How are you'.

"It's okay, what's up?" I say trying my hardest to not be rude.

"So I'm a bit tipsyyyy, and was wondering if you could pick Ry up for me, he uh is here, and I think you guys need to talk."

Is he really calling me drunk to try to get me to hash things out with his friend?

"I don'-"

"I can't ask you this sober, he'd most probably hate me, but you guys need to talk," then in a low whisper, "I know there's more to the 'she cheated bit' he gave me,"

"Justin, it doesn't matter what I did and didn't do, we aren't good together and-"

"Oh shut up, you guys always look at each other like there's no one else in the universe other than each other,"

I laugh a bit, "Are you actually drunk Justin?" I ask, knowing the sound of someone when they have a bit too much alcohol.

"Yes, duh, why would I lie?." he asks.

"Uhuh okay, we'll go with that"

"Ryver's high,"

"What?" I say, a bit surprised since Ryver doesn't normally like to smoke with his friends.

"Well, we went to Acker's place, and they had weed, well he smoked some and now he won't stop,"

"Is he okay?"

"Shouldn't you not care?" I can imagine the slight smirk he most probably is holding.

"So what's your plan with this?" I ask instead of answering.

"My plan is to get you here, and to talk to my buddy, I know you miss him as much as he misses you, and honestly I'm getting sick of him being a grump,"

"I can't, I mean what do I say when he asks how I knew where he'd be?"

"Ah, just say that his very amazing best friend was drunk and thought this would be an amazing idea, and you were worried,"

"So you're not drunk?" I say focusing on that.

"I blew my cover."

"Yeah, also great on the lying to your best friend part,"

"When you too are back in candy land we'll tell him the truth,"

"How do you know I didn't cheat?"

"There is no way it would add up, though I am curious about the video part, though I'm sure that there's gotta be a mistake,"

Tears threaten to fall in waves, he knows, not everything but enough.

"Thank you,"

"For what?"

"P-people always see the worst in me,"

"So should I send you the address?"

"Yeah, okay."

I probably shouldn't be going, I should leave Ryver alone, though I can't help the anticipating need to see him.

I have been avoiding going anywhere near him because I know no matter what state I'm in, I will break down.

But maybe this is my chance.

"Okay, hurry up before he smokes more of this shit,"


I make it to the address Justin gave me. When I knock, it's quickly opened by surprisingly Justin.

"Were you waiting for me?" I ask knowing everyone is in the basement, so it would make sense for him to be down there too.

"Yeah, by the way, you took forever, it wasn't fun sitting here all alone," he sighs.

"So remind me why is Ryver smoking a ton? And why is it a good idea for me to be here?" I ask, ignoring his earlier statement.

"Because you are the only thing that will get him out of this funk, he hates smoking with the guys, but he is, and I'm getting sick of being the responsible one,"

"Let's just get this over with,"

He nods and leads me to the stairs, then we are in the basement and again I wonder why I thought this would be a good idea, the stench of alcohol, and weed, makes me wish I was somewhere I can be free to drink too.

But I do miss Ryver and I do want to clear everything up even if that means we can't be together.

I just want him to know that what he saw wasn't what he thought...

Though is it really a smart move to do it when he's high?

Probably not, but this is the only opportunity I can get him to listen.

What I don't expect when I walk into the basement is Kiara's hand on Ryver's thigh with her head tucked in his shoulder, him not stopping her.

I don't expect the hurt and pain I feel, the truth behind his words and how fucking stupid I feel.

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