Chapter 24

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I gave Ensleey a quick peck on the lips, before she settled in her bed, and I settled on the air mattress next to her bed. We had talked until she fell asleep, and not long after I followed suit.

But I was awoken a few hours later to Ensleey's thrashing clutching the sheets tightly, her legs flinging from side to side.

"Please." I hear her cry frantically, and my heart breaks as I rush out of the blanket that covers me. "Please, I'll behave."

I go to touch her, just as Jake walks in the room, rubbing his eyes tiredly.

"Don't touch her." He groggily says, notices my intentions.

Who the hell does he think he is telling me not to touch her?

I don't listen, feeling the gnawing need to protect her, comfort her, let her see I'm here, for whatever is going on.

I'm here, and she needs to know that.

As soon as my hand touches her arm, Ensleey begins to claw at my arms. "I'm sorry." She says and I see tears stream down her face, I remove my hand and see her expression soften a bit, but she's still thrashing.

"Did you see her take her meds?" He asks, she takes medication?

I'm guessing because of her anxiety.

"Ens he's not here." He says coming up to her and speaking softly.

Softer than I have heard my brother's voice. "Parkers not going to hurt you." He keeps repeating soothing words to calm her downs and he does.

I wonder who Parker is, but I also am aware that it isn't important at the moment.

It saddens me that I can't be the one to sooth her, but am happy when I see her begin to come back to reality.

The whole thing makes me want to kill whoever this Parker guy is.

She sits up, tears still streaming down her face.

She looks around frantically, searching for something with fearful eyes. "He's not here." Jake whispers softly again, she calms down when she notices her surroundings, she stares around, then finally her eyes land on me.

"I'm sorry," she says to me, as if she has anything to apologize for.

"You have nothing to apologize for," I say heisting, but decide to take the risk and brush the stray lock of hair that covers her eyes, and to my relief she lets me.

"Jake, I'm fine." She says looking at Jake now.

"I thought you said they stopped." He says worry lacing his voice.

"They did." She says.


"I don't need you freaking babying me again." She snaps. "I don't need your pity."

"It's not pity and you know it."

I feel like I'm in a private conversation that I'm not supposed to hear.

"We're not arguing about this again." Jake adds.

Ensleey doesn't say anything in return, and Jake gives her a kiss on the forehead, that's more in a brotherly way then anything else, and I realize that they're closer than I originally thought.

"I'm going to bed to wake me up if you need anything." He emphasizes on the word anything, and gives me curd nod before leaving us alone.

"Are you okay?" I ask.

"Yeah," She says.

"Can I do anything?" I ask, feeling helpless.

She shakes her head and I go to lie on my mattress thinking it's better then standing over her like this, to my surprise she grabs my wrist, her small hand clasping over my much larger hand.

"C-can you sleep with me?" She asks, biting her lip nervously.

"Of course." I say.

I sit to her left, on her queen sized bed, and pull her body to mine when I lie down, I kiss her temple.

We fell asleep in each other's arms, and nothing has ever felt as right as Ensleey being in my arms. I feel an overwhelming desire to keep her with me forever, to do whatever I can to keep the beautiful girl with brown locks of hair as mine, to be only mine.

But can Ensleey do that? Be only mine?

She was weary of going on a date with me. Will I be able to handle rejection if she choses that this isn't something she wants?

So instead of dwelling on the what ifs, I focus on what's going on now, Ensleey in my arms sleeping her hair spilling over her face, holding me to her, like I'm her anchor, the only thing holding in her place.

I give her another light kiss against her hair, relishing in the faint smell of her fruity shampoo, and know whatever she gives I'll take it, because I don't think I'll be able to live in a world without Ensleey Hendrix ever again.


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