Chapter 27

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"I can't do this anymore." Ryver said, pulling his lips away from mine, we were currently sitting in his car. Ryver had offered to drop me off to school this morning instead of us each going separately.

I had happily accepted his offer.

He had ended up pulling me to him as soon as I had slid into the passenger seat of his car.

I felt worry seep in, he can't do what anymore?

"Wh-what do you mean?" I tried not to let my worry show, but I know I possibly failed miserably.

"Be my girlfriend." He said more of a statement than a question, I stared at him wanting to agree but still feeling the worry that he will soon not find me enough. Seep deep into my soul.

"Do you not want to be?" He asked after I took too long to form a response, he moved his fingers, raking them in my hair, pulling the strands  away from my face and placing a lock behind my ear.

"It's not that." I said honestly, not meeting his eyes.

"Then what is it, angel?"

"I-I..." I couldn't form what I had to say into words.

"I get it." He said pulling away, I stopped him before he could get far.

"I'm scared." I admitted, looking at my lap.

"Of what?"

There is so much to be scared about.

"Of you not wanting to be with me after awhile, of you hating me-"

He lifted my chin up, and shut me up with a chaste kiss. "Do you want this?" I nodded. "Then say yes, and don't think about all that because I will never hurt you intentionally, whatever ends up happening in the future, is a long way from now."

"Okay yes I'll be your girlfriend." I laughed awkwardly, finally looking back up at his face, a beautiful smile blossomed on his face, and I know I made the right decision, just by that look alone.

He kissed me long and hard, before we really had to get to school.

I knew that for now we were okay, perfect even.


Okay, maybe not perfect, looking at our relationship was not even close to perfect, he still doesn't know one of my biggest secrets, would he still want me after he finds out about my past? About the struggles I still face every damn time I stare at the mirror?

I'm honestly too freaked out to even attempt to find out the answer to those questions, because no one would want to be with someone who's tattered and broken.

So I cherish every second he gives me, knowing our relationship has a time bomb that I don't know when might go off.

It's now been eight days since Ryver and I became official, and yesterday he had a football game. I was in awe of how well Ryver played, I knew he was good, but it's just different actually seeing it.

Most days, I would refuse to eat lunch with him and his friends, mainly because Melindas death glares, and it's not because it bothers me, but I honestly would rather eat my food in peace, then have Someones eyes watching my every move, so I stick to sitting alone, and I much prefer it anyways.

Sometimes, when Ryver's, with his friends, it reminds me I'm dating one of the most popular boys at our school.

He in some ways is different when he's with his friends, he is more cocky, and he doesn't seem as relaxed, completely different than when he's alone with me.

When he's with me he laughs more, jokes more, and everything is just simply more, though I know that being with him will also come with knowing different sides of him, and learning to love all sides of him.

I try not to think of the word love, I try to not think about loving Ryver, because I don't think Im ready to open that door, and it's not because I don't want to.

It's because I'm worried of what he will do, with my heart, and if he decides to shatter it, to leave with a mess to clean up.

The sound of the doorbell lifts me from my thoughts. Ryver and I had plans on watching a movie tonight, at my place, since aunt Lilly left again yesterday.

I always miss aunt Lilly when she's at work, and I know she is constantly worried about me, and if I'm taking my medication, or if I'm in any trouble, one of the reasons why she always calls me at least twice a day, if not more, that is if she is able to.

I love her, though I wish she could trust me on my own again. I know that she also gets reports from Jake, even if he won't admit it, I know he gives my aunt weekly updates on me.

I go to open the door for Ryver, and his beautiful face lifts in a smile when he sees me.

The sight makes me feel all gooey inside.

"Hey angel." He says, oh and did I mention that he sometimes calls me angel?

He leans and gives me a peck on the cheek, still with a huge smile on his face, and walks through the door.

We make small chit-chat, as we walk towards the staircase.

"I was thinking we could watch the movie on my laptop, in my room." I say, it is much more cozier in my room, than the living room couch.

"Yeah, that sounds great." Ryver said, leaning for another kiss.

I smack his chest playfully. "You're going to get bored doing that sooner or later."

"Nah, I could never get enough of you," he says with a smirk, and captures my jaw lightly, and pecks me on the lips, then places his hands on both sides of my waist pulling me closer to him.

Then he gives me peck again, once, twice, and then the third time, he pries my mouth open, by biting my lower lip, with a small groan, the kiss soon turns heated, with Ryver dominating my mouth, his tongue tangling with mine.

I moan into his mouth, I'm surprised I don't feel embarrassed by it, but I can't even find the urge to care.

All I can think about is Ryver, Ryver and everything Ryver.

We pull away at the same time, Ryver with an expression filled with lust and longing.

I wouldn't be surprised if my eyes were speaking the same truth.

"God, you're perfect." He says, in a voice of so much passion, and honesty, that leaves me blushing scarlet red.

"C'mon let's set everything up." He says, this is one thing I love about Ryver, he doesn't force me into things, push a situation further, he accepts it for it is.

I nod, and we make a bag of microwavable popcorn, and place it in a bowl, along with two soda cans, of Coca Cola, and proceed to take everything upstairs.

I plop a big fluffy blanket on the bed, and grab my laptop from my dresser, when I turn back around Ryver is sitting on my bed, wadded in between the large blanket, he pats the spot next to him.

Once I'm seated he doesn't waste a second to pull me to him, and I don't waste a second, to cuddle into his muscular chest.

It feels so natural, so right, it's hard to believe, to accept, but I think I'm falling in love with Ryver Webb.

I just hope he'll be there when I fall.


A u t h o r s N o t e

Thank you so much for reading, hope your enjoyig my story.

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