Chapter 21

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"You're going." Jake repeats for the hundredth time, I'm laying on my bed, Jake's tall body looming over me with a frustrated look on his face.

Feelings mutually buddy.

"No." I say like a stubborn child, crossing my arms against my chest.

"I'll drag your ass there again if I have to." Jake says.

Ah yes, again, it's a normal thing that happens once a month.

This, being my monthly therapy session with Doctor Len. Nice woman in her early forties.

Jake takes me once a month because I'm not trusted to do it myself anymore, so Jake has to take due to aunt Lillys generous request. Of course he does it willingly, and doesn't mind, but I hate being babied.

I don't even blame aunt Lilly, for forcing me into it, because of the downward spiral that happened when I insisted that I am fine, she of course let me.

Bad move, in her opinion.

So yes I am forced to go to go to theses, to make sure anything stupid, or reckless, dangerous. Whatever the same jazz.

"I don't want to." I say still not getting up, I know I shouldn't be complaining but I didn't sleep a wink last night.

I'm cranky sue me.

Jake looks at his phone-probably checking the time-then looks at me releasing a frustrated sigh, oh no I already know what's coming, my eyes widen.

He pulls my legs in one swift movement, then lifts by the waist or at least that's what I think his movements are too quick not allowing me to notice what he's doing, barely a second later I'm thrown against his shoulder.

"Jake, I need to change." I say, I don't care about the way I look, but I need to cover my eyes with concealer, so the doctor Len doesn't drill me on my nightmares.

"Promise me you will get dressed, and not go back to your bed."

"Promise." I agree, there's no use. I'll end up there one way or another, when Jake has something to do with it, I wonder why I still bother trying anymore.

"For extra measures." He sighs then begins walking, and opens the bathroom door that is across the hall, he places down on the floor, then gives me a smile, I give him a confused look, a scone later he splashes water. "Now go get dressed bitch."

He walks away whistling like the bastard he is, I hate him.

Loathe him even.

Nonetheless I get dressed, and get into his car, he smirks when he sees that I'm still irritated about the whole ordeal.

Did I mention I hate him? Because I do. A whole freaking lot.

We make it to the building that doctor Len works at, I get out of the car, and go to the building that I loathe. I think I'm using that word too much today.

Oh well I guess!

I walk into the office building with Jake hot on my heels, making sure I don't make a run for it.

Not that I made a run before out of here, obviously.

I walk into the scruffy building that isn't really scurfy, but I think I have the right to call it that.

I take a seat at the seats that are provided in the waiting area, Jake goes to talk to the receptionist for me.

We wait together until Doctor Len comes out to get me.

"Hi Ensleey nice to see you again." She smiles, yeah I know it's lovely to see the paycheck my aunt provides you for my visits, she looks over to Jake with a polite smile. "You too Jacob." He nods forever the gentleman.

Jake probably knows her better then me since he also must see a therapist, well used now he only comes in if things get really bad, which luckily they haven't.

"You want me to come with you." I shake my head no, and proceed to follow Doctor Len.

I sit on the couch, and she sits on the plush seat in front of me, grabbing her notebook, ready to jot down everything I say.

"So how are you?" She begins, here we go.

"Great." I say, she gives me the look that says get straight to the point. I sigh knowing I must. "Well I'm going on a date soon." She smiles wide, I know she's happy about this.

"He's a very lucky guy," She says. "and how do you feel about this?"

"I think it'll be okay." I half lie, as I watch her write things down.

If I'm being completely honest, I'm a worried mess but would I admit that?

No, because that would mean I have to talk about Parker so I decided to brush the question off. She doesn't dwell, probably planning on getting more on it later since she knows when I'm uncomfortable.

That's the thing I love and hate most about her, she makes it seem like your off the hook for not saying something but finds time to dwell on it again.

The session goes fine afterwards, her asking about my drinking, about if I'm taking me pills, about the nightmares. The normal annoying crap that I'm forced to talk about.

But I can't lie, I end up leaving with feeling a bit better with getting some things off my chest.


A u t h o r s   N o t e:

Thank you so much for 2000 reads!

I really can't believe it has gotten that many reads, I'm extremely grateful for everyone reading my story, you don't how much it means to me.

Hope you enjoy, and please vote and comment.


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