Chapter 5

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Im grabbing my dress from the side of the bed, in a room at a frat house. I've been here a few times.

"You coming?" Zack one of my 'Friends' says as he's putting his shirt on.

"Go on without me." I say he nods and leaves the room.

You can probably guess what just happened, I don't have random flings like this often. Its only when I just need reassurance that I'm worth something, even is through a random guy only wanting me in bed.

At least I've got that. I'm pathetic.

Pathetic can't even come close to describe what I've become.

I'm about to exit the room. When I see my reflection on the large mirror in the room. Ryver's words replay in my head, like a broken record.  

Who even are you?

He's right who am I?

Right now I'm wearing a short red dress with a low cut showing my breasts a little. and stops almost at my butt. Showing my cleavage. With a shit ton of makeup, and bloodshot eyes.

If I had to give myself an answer, i'd say a slut, a girl who has no self respect. Nothing but a liar.

A girl who hides at school, and gets drunk on weekends. 

But I shouldn't dwell on it, though its difficult not to when you're worth nothing.

Stop it Ensleey!

So I go downstairs, luckily I'm not drunk, but am only a bit tipsy, so I manage to make it to kitchen, without tripping.

I hear the sound of loud music. I go over for a drink in the kitchen when I catch sight of Collin pouring water on the microwave, while smoke comes out of it. Dean standing on the other side of the kitchen. People are staring, and I know immediately that Dean has done something again.

I swear he reminds me of a five year old child sometimes.

"What did Dean do this time?" I ask. Looking over to Dean who's leaning against the other side of the kitchen counter.

"He wanted to know what would happen he put the spoon in the microwave." Collins explains clearly annoyed, while giving Dean a hard glare.

"What have you never wondered?" Dean sighs. "At least now we know why." He says the last part in a quieter voice.

I can tell from the way he speaks he's not drunk.

After Collin finishes cleaning up after Dean we find the rest of our group, and leave before the house owner, knows its us. Who set his poor microwave on fire.

"What did Dean do?" Cleo says. Knowing that's why we left early.

We're sitting in Collins car, it's he's turn to be the driver. Dean in the passenger seat. Me and Jake at the window seats and Cleo in the middle.

"why do you guys always think it's me!" He puffs crossing his arms against his chest, and slouching in his seat.

"Well isn't it?" Cleo smiles and me and Jake chuckle. Jake is stuck on his phone probably obsessed with another game.

"Well yeah." Dean says quietly after a long moment of silence.

We don't mention Deans incident after that, and the rest of the ride is filled with small talk nothing new.


A u t h o r s N o t e

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