Chapter 15

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Today is another uneventful day, but that's nothing new, Friday is slowly rolling closer, me and the gang are planning to go to some sort of college frat party, and if anyone one asks I'm nineteen and am majoring in chemistry.

It's something I alway do I lie about my age, and act different then I would if you saw me at school or anywhere other then that party.

I love the feeling of being someone I'm not, of course there is it's downfall, and also that I probably should stop this game eventually, for now I will enjoy it, and the adrenaline that courses in my veins for those few hours, make all worth it, which is enough to keep me going with it.

So I trudge through another through another Wednesday, of school.


It's early in the evening and aunt Lilly and I have just finished watching two movies, back to back when she decided to go to bed, for her flight that she has to be on early in tomorrow morning.

Before she decided to make her way to bed, I said, "Im going for a walk." 

"Ens it's going to rain soon." Was her response.

"I won't be long." 

She reluctantly nodded, and went to bed, knowing its better not to fight with me on this, when she has an early day tomorrow.

I haven't been on a walk for awhile, it used to feel good going once around the neighbourhood, even if I despise physical activity, in any shape or form, it's still nice breather, especially at this time around six o'clock.

So I step out into the cold, and walk around a bit, trying not to think much, of course it doesn't go well.

As I walk a bit, my hands tucked in the pockets of my black jacket,  I feel droplets of water fall on my head.

Aunt Lilly was always right, I decide to go into the seven-eleven that is close to where i'm standing to get a few seconds, of isolation before making a sprint back home.

By the time I arrive at the entrance of the store, I'm soaking wet from head to toe, the little droplets had turned into a much more. 

I go into the chip section, deciding I should get a bag of barbecue chips, considering two of my idiot friends also known as Collin and Dean, ate the two bags I had, no surprise there.

I'm searching through the different brands of chips, when I feel a presence beside me, I look up to see Ryver, how the hell do I always end up in the same place as him.

Is the universe trying to play some sick twisted game?

Most probably.

"Ensleey?" Ryver says.

Duh who does it look like. I want to say

"Why are you soaking wet?" He asks, eyeing my drenched hair and clothing. 

"Oh I thought it would be fun to go for a walk." I smile a small smile.

"I'll take you home." He said, as if he has every right in the world to make such a decision, of course he doesn't,  most and fore most because he acted like a dick the other day, but I still don't want to judge him for it, who knows what happened to him, to make him seem so distant.

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