Chapter 12

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It's Monday morning and the only thing that has gotten me out of bed this morning was coffee.

I guess coffee is another of drug of mine sometimes.

Im currently standing at my locker at school holding a large cup of to go coffee, that I have purchased form a local cafe, I see Ryver walking over to me, with a small smile on his face. 

I completely forgot about the occurrence that had happened on Saturday, but the sight of Ryver has quickly brought back everything.

"Hey Ensleey." Ryver says, leaning against the locker next to mine, with a look of unease on his face.

A billion thoughts are swarming through my brain as usual. Should I ignore him? Or not?

If I were to be completely honest with myself I don't want to, but I also don't think it's a good idea, because why would someone who's popular talk to me? 

He could be plotting to embarrass me in front of the whole school, for all I know.

Maybe if I try to get him to hate me he would give up, and leave me alone.

I don't think it's the bets idea but here goes nothing.

"Hi." I say trying to walk away.

"What class do you have now?"  He asks.

"None of your business."  I say, walking faster in the direction of my class, I feeling childish but don't care because talking to someone who happens to holds a form of popularity has never ended well with me. He quickly catches up to me, with his long strides.

Damn him and his long legs!

"Okay." He says calmly, not getting the gist of the situation.

After a few moments I begin to get annoyed with him following me. I turn around and nearly collide into his chest. He's so freaking tall.

"Why are you following me!" I say with a hint of anger in my voice.

"None of your business." He shrugs carelessly.

What game is this boy playing at?

I huff. "Really?"

"Yep." He says, with no emotion in his voice, I stare with the most intense gaze I can he stares right back.

We both don't break eye contact.

One thing I can tell from this occurrence is that his green eyes are very pretty.

Get a grip Ensleey!

I roll my eyes when I realize this could go on all day, so I look away and  walk away faster this time.

"Ah c'mon that was fun! We should do it again." 

I don't say anything.

It's for the best I tell myself.


Ryver hasn't attempted to talk to me since the day in the hallway, nor does he stare at me.

This is what I wanted I remind myself. It's not easy, but I've learned to expect it. 

Im sitting at my usual lunch table, when I hear the same annoying sound of heels.

Why does she find it amusing to annoy the shit out of me?

"I guess Ryver finally saw how worthless you are." Melinda laughs, as if it's the funniest thing in the world.

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