Chapter 37

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E n s l e e y s   P O V

I once again awake in bliss, except unlike the last time Ryver was here he is actually in bed with me, his arms wrapped tightly around my body, I'm like his own personal teddy bear it seems.

Of course, I'd be happy to actually be that.

I try to wriggle my way from under his body that is slumped heavily on me, but it's no use that is until I hear his groan.

"Where do you think you're going?" He whispers to the shell of my ear, in a raspy morning voice that drives my insides crazy.

"Just trying to get you off me you're not the lightest person," I say, "you know?"

"Is that so?" he asks, pulling me tighter against him and trails his nose along my cheek.

The occurrence is out of the ordinary for me, the two of us naked in bed together, wrapped up in an intimate embrace while still completely naked, save for Ryver having boxers on.

When did he put those on?

But I don't believe that I deserve this type of ecstasy.

Don't they say all good things don't last forever?

Could this be one of those situations?

I let my thoughts drift off and try to focus on the now, which always seems to be difficult for me.

I just have to believe that we can make it, and not look at it in a negative light.

As hard as it would be.

"Ryver," I groan, trying to push at his chest nonetheless laughing, he laughs with me.

"What? I did nothing." I can tell there's a smile in his voice from his tone of voice.

"Yeah sure," I grumble.

He continues to laugh as he rolls off me, "better?"

No, it really isn't, it hasn't been a second and I already miss the heat that his body has provided me.

"When did you put those on?" I say with a tinge in my cheeks, feeling all shy for no reason to say the word boxers, even though last night we had done our fair share of activities. I should feel more embarrassed about that than this.

"What, my boxers?" I nod, "I went to the bathroom, yours specifically so I put them on."

He eyes me as he says the words and I briefly wonder what that is about.

"Oh," is all I say.

"Do you want to go grab breakfast?" he asks, and I bite my lip to keep the laugh from bursting out from the memory of when he burned the pancakes.

"Yeah sure, but don't you have football practice?" I ask, remember him mentioning it.

"It was cancelled, coach has something going on."

I gave him my okay and we both got dressed. I wore a baggy tee-shirt that was tie-dyed in black and white and paired it with a pair of grey denim jeans, my hair lay in waves over my shoulder, I hadn't bothered with it much, only a quick brush.

it wasn't anything special but Ryver still said I look beautiful.

He really was perfect.

Ryver was dressed in the same clothes he wore yesterday though he really didn't seem to care.

After we were both dressed and had brushed our teeth, Ryver drove us to a diner he claimed had amazing pancakes

I took his word for it.

I was pleasantly happy when I had ascertained Ryver's words, as I tasted the first bite of the pancakes that were coated in syrup and had a good amount of butter resting atop.

They were most definitely wonderful, just as Ryver had said.

These pancakes were being eaten in a small diner that seemed quite old from the pattern of the way everything had been laid out, there were booths suited along with the small place.

Walls that were painted a shade of light blue, with checkered floors.

It was also named "Pop's Diner".

The whole place was a swift of peace from its kind staff, and comfortable seating area, and most importantly the pancakes.

"Good?" Ryver smirked, as he saw me slicing another piece of my stack.

"Yeah, how long have you been coming here?" I ask, trying to start a conversation.

"I used to come here every once in a while when I was younger but started coming here more in high school since the football team really like their burgers,"

We talked of mundane things, but even so, the conversation had run effortlessly and smoothly.

Well until...

"Ryver," A shrieking voice called from a small distance, Ryver turned to assess the voice.

I lifted my gaze to be met with a few girls on the cheer team, the most recognizable were Melinda, and Kiara. Kiara being the one who called out to Ryver.

They came sauntering over, Melinda with the same distasteful look she always slides my way, and Kiara with a smile her gaze only slanted to Ryver.

I shouldn't be jealous, especially since Ryver only gave her a slight smile of acknowledgement and hello, before returning his eyes to me and focusing his attention on me once again.

There was nothing to be concerned of, though I couldn't help but despise everything about the girl, even Ryver had no intention of giving her any of his time.

It still irked me in an odd way.

When her gaze finally landed on me, it turned into a similar look of Melindas it was full of distaste, but there was something there that seemed to run deeper than that simple look of hate.

I couldn't place my finger on what it was exactly, except that I have always seen that look on her features any time she's seen me.

The question was as to why?

"You have to come and sit with us!" She said with so much excitement towards my boyfriend.

The situation of many of the cheer team being here isn't much of a surprise, considering Ryver mentions the football team coming here often.

But of course, I was still bothered.

Like the jealous bitch I truly was.

"I'm good thank you for the offer, me and girl are having a good time on our own," Was Ryver's response.

Butterflies erupted like a fit in my stomach.

Will it always be like that when he refers to me as his girlfriend?

Some might find it sad how excited one person can be at being referred to as someone's girlfriend.

But I found a sense of euphoria, in the knowledge that unlike some guys he had no shame admitting the simple fact.

I was a love-sick puppy, and I couldn't give less of a damn.

But who would when they fell in love with Ryver Webb?

Life really is full of unexpected events.

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