Chapter 8

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It's a late in the evening and Jake is high, which only happens when things get bad. Bad, bad.

That possibly makes no sense. 

But Jake when's he's having a bad bad day, is something that makes no sense, he lashes out on every person then a few seconds afterwards he's laughing, I'm pretty sure it's the pot that makes him so bipolar. 

It's scares the boys though I don't think they will ever admit it,  are a little frightened by him when he's in that state of mind.  

Like that one time last year, when he threw a bottle of- I honestly I don't remember which type of alcohol- at a wall and almost hitting Dean, he apologized a billion times. But I know Dean still gets freaked out when he's high. 

It was completely out of character of him, to even be violent,  to do what he did, so the boys decide to stay way.

So lucky me when he's high or having a bad day, they call me to knock some sense into him. 

Ha like I've ever got to him. 

It could be considered a lie, I know how to calm him most of the time.  

But I of course still have to be trading lightly with Jake. 

So now I'm walking into Jakes apartment, I don't knock. I never knock. 

We're close to the point it's normal, immediately the stench of marijuana fills my nostrils. 

I can't believe I used to smoke that shit. 

I walk into the living room and see Jake holding a a joint in one hand and bottle of vodka in the other. 

Im surprised he's alone. I guess it's good sign so far. 

"Talk." I say bluntly. When I see he's blood shot eyes. 

"Im fucking fine Ens." He smirks, looking straight at me.

I take the bottle out of his grasp take a swig then look back at him. 

"Ens." He says eyeing the bottle in my hand. 

"Want this?" I ask shaking the bottle a bit, he looks away from me. 

I know that he won't touch me even if I piss him off. No matter what state of mind he's in, I'm positive he won't

He's silent for a long while. At least five minutes pass when he finally looks back over to me. 

"Sh-sh." He stops and takes a deep breath. 

I already know what coming, and I immediately feel bad. 

"S-She still-still doesn't remember me." He begins to cry. I quickly place the bottle on the floor and rush over to my best friend. I take the the joint and place it in the ash tray. 

We hug for awhile, he cries hard. 

"W-Will she ever?" He asks his voice shaky. 

"I don't know." I admit, I don't want to lie to him, and give him an answer that I have no idea if will ever be true.

Rachel, his ex girlfriend, I guess you can say, they we're together for a year when their relationship got sort of toxic, they both began to hurt each other fighting constantly. He got his first few tattoos since he needed something to distract him for awhile and was passing by a tattoo shop. 

He told me at the time he didn't want to go over to Rachels, so he thought why not. The rest came after he began to like the way he looked with them. 

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