I need you!

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Colleens PoV

I woke up, and found myself in a hospital bed. I turned to look around, but couldn't make sense of anything because I was really dizzy. Then I began to panick. "Ahhhh!!!!!!", I yelled. The doctors rushed in, and checked the monitor.  "What is going on!!!!!", I screamed.  A lady doctor came over, and told me, "Darling, you had a seizure in your sleep."  "What!!!! Is the baby okay???" I started shaking and crying. " You need to calm down Colleen," "I can't! Tell me if my baby is okay!!!!", my voice cracked. "We dont know yet, but you have to stay calm."  I just sat there, not moving, just letting the tears run down my face.  I then remembered Rachel. "Where's my sister!!! I NEED MY SISTER!!!!! RACHEL!!!!  RAAACHHEEL!!", I screamed as loud as I could.

Rachels PoV

I was sitting on a chair for 5 hours, I started dozing off, but I was quickly startled, from Colleens voice. I heard her screaming, as I ran up to the room, with Chris right behind me.  The doctor stopped us, "We are in the middle of performing tests."  "SHE IS CALLING MY GOD DAMN NAME I HAVE TO SEE HER!! SHE NEEDS ME!!!"  The doctor looked pissed, but opened the door. I barged in, ran over to my sister, held her face, and cried. I cried on her shoulder, "Oh Colleen.. Oh thank God you are alive!"  "Rachel...", she got out,  while hopelessly balling her eyes out.  She looked completely pale, tired, and scared.  I let Chris talk to her as I went over to the doctors, which were examining the screen from an ultrasound.   They told me, the seizure was just from all the trauma she has been through. They also said the only effect it has on the baby is an increased heart rate, and a chance of seizures in the future.   I took deep breaths and gulped. Ok, I thought to myself, it could have been way worse.  I told Colleen and Chris, they both started crying, and then we stayed with Colleen for the rest of the night, as we were all really worried.

By the way, I am no doctor, so I don't know about these medical things.   Omg!!! So close to 1k reads! I'm so excited!!  Thanks!!!   How do you like the story?  What was your favorite part so far?

Joshua D. EvansWhere stories live. Discover now