Rachel's Rescue

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Rachels PoV

I stepped outside of the hospital, seeing a car fly out. I then saw someone banging on the windows. Omg, it's my sister! I hopped in my car and raced after the car while trying to call the police. The car pulled up at this old house and the man carried Colleen inside.

Colleens PoV

The man carried me inside this dirty old house and threw me on the bed. My hands and feet were tied and the man had a gun in his pocket.  He started to undress me until I was completely naked. He kissed me harshly but all of a sudden the police barged in! They handcuffed the man and untied me, and i put my clothes back on.  I saw Rachel and we ran to each other and hugged "Oh my god Colleen, your body is...its all bruised."  "Rachel, thank god you saved me, im alright, and i dont think anything happened to the baby."  "Whew what a relief" she said as she wiped her eyes from the tears. We stayed and talked to the police and then went home.

Rachels PoV

I was so relieved that Colleen was okay. When we got home, I had to back to my apartment for a while to check up on my stuff.   Im sure Colleen just wanted some time to be alone.

Hey everybody, I hope you are enjoying it. I have to go to school now and will post more afterwards.  Ok, bye!

Joshua D. EvansWhere stories live. Discover now