Depression at its Finest

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Rachels PoV

"Okay" Colleen choked out. I helped her up, and walked her to her bed.  "Hey, if you neeed me, i'll be here." Colleen nodded. She looked like a useless little kid. Her body was clamy, she was still shaking with the saddest facial expression. I walked over to the couch and tried to go to sleep even though it was pointless.

Colleens PoV

As Rachel tucked me into bed, I realized how bad she must feel to see me like this. But there was nothing I could do about it. Sadness has taken over me and i will probably never go back. I always hated sleeping by myself, but now i guess i have to get used to it. I wanted to talk to Rachel, but i don't know what to say.  Really, i just want a hug. "Rachel" I yelled, and she was in the room in a second. I got up and hugged her. We were both in tears and i asked her to sleep with me.  I couldnt help it, by crying myself to sleep.

(The next morning)

Rachels PoV

I woke up early so i could make breakfast for colleen and myself. In a half hour or so Colleen dragged herself out of bed and curled up on the couch. I served breakfast and then I knew I had to ask Colleen the question "So, i know you dont want to think about it, but what are we going to tell the viewers?" There was a long pause but she finally said, " I will tell them." "Really?!" "Yeah, I will today."  After breakfast, Christopher, Mom, and Dad came over to discuss the funeral.  Colleen hid in her room as we all guessed she would.

Joshua D. EvansWhere stories live. Discover now