Terrible Things

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Rachels PoV

" Hey, remember what you said in the car, this is a good thing."

" But what if the baby will look exactly like Josh, and I wont be able to look at him without crying?"

" You will be the best mother ever. "

In a few minutes our mom came, she immediately hugged Colleen and told her its going to be aright.

Colleens PoV

Im still so shocked this is happening. I had this moment planned out in my mind, I would take the test, run to josh, leap in his arms, and then make out for hours.  Now its just filled with depression and horror, of raising a child on my own.   Will I be able to support it? What if it asks about Josh? Uggghhh... i'm so tired of crying i just want to go home.  Thank goodness the doctor came and said it was alright for me to leave.  My mom left first, after wishing me the best. Rachel and I were about to step out, "Oops, I think I forgot my phone, I will go back and look for it." Rachel said. "Ok i'm gonna step outside for some air."  I stepped outside and sat on the curb, deep in thought about the future, suddenly "AH!" I felt something choking me, and realized, it was a gag! Some strang man lifted me up and i tried screaming, and threw me in his car. Rachel was stepping outside as i was banging on the window.

Joshua D. EvansWhere stories live. Discover now