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Colleens PoV

"It's not your fault, Rachel"

I hate seeing Rachel cry.  "My one job was to protect you and the baby!"  I hugged her and whispered, "You did the best you could, and I am so happy for that. I hate knowing that you are in this hospital bed, for me. And the doctor said he was expecting something way worse, like the whole leg would be gone."   Rachel cried in my shoulder for a long time. "I did it because I love you, and that you have to live the rest of your life....without josh...which is why I want to be there for you."  "Rachel.. you are already the best sister in the world,  without even trying...  I love you."  We hugged for another hour or so until I had to go home.  I stopped at the grocery store, because I was totally out of food at home.  Aw,  I never even noticed all the cravings I have been having until looking at all this food.  Ice cream, pickles, and chips, perfect. Wow I never knew food could make you this happy.  I went home, feeling a little better after the conversation with Rachel and the food.  So I shot a Miranda video, it was a simple Q&A.  I called Chris, because I really wanted to talk with him. I told him everything over the phone, and he wanted to come see me. I told him to bring Bailey and Jacob, because those guys always make me feel better. In a half hour, they were here, the kids were teary-eyed as they ran to me for a hug. Chris came over to me and hugged me too. Bailey looked up at me and asked, "Are you gonna have a baby?"  I started tearing up, "Yeah."  "Is that good?", she asked. That really got to me, "Yeah, it is", I said with something I haven't in a while, a smile.

Yes!! 500 reads!! I am so happy!   I hope you are enjoying it!  Thanks for all your support!

Joshua D. EvansWhere stories live. Discover now