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Rachels PoV

She was having a seizure. I started breathing hard, while dialing 911.  I lifted her lifeless body onto my back. I barely made it down the stairs, because my back was in so much pain from the stitches. Also my casted arm felt like it was re-breaking. I made it outside, though because I would do anything for my sister.  I was pulled in the passenger seat of the car, gulping, and balling my eyes out. The driver was asking me questions, and my mind was racing.  I remember when Colleen was  little, she used to have seizures. They were very rare though, I think she only had one or two.  We arrived at the hospital,  as I was rushing in, I collasped, because of the striking pain in my back. In a few seconds, though,  I was right back up and was talking to the doctor.  After the normal questions been answered, I sat in the waiting room, still crying, as I texted our mom, Chris, Matt, and everybody else. Then I saw doctors coming out of Colleen's room, and asked them if I could see her.  Then I flipped out, "NO, WHAT DO YOU MEAN NO!? I'M HER GOD DAMN SISTER I NEED TO SEE HER!!" "Ma'ma please stay calm and go sit down"  "HOW CAN I FUCKING STAY CALM WHEN MY SISTER COULD BE DYING!", I threw my hands in my face, hiding the tears as I stood against the wall. I felt so weak, the pain in my arm and back, and Colleen.... Oh Colleen.. you better live.   I sat on the hospital floor outside of the room. Chris came first, helped me up, and hugged me. He looked at my back and started crying.

Chris's PoV

I raced and got Rachel an ice pack, because she really did look terrible, then went to talk to the doctors. They said we couldn't go see her, and that the seizure was only minor, but it could still have some effects.

There you go! What do you think?
Almost at 1k reads!!!!!! Omg!!!

Joshua D. EvansWhere stories live. Discover now