Alternative Ending Part 2 out of 3

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Josh's PoV

I use all my strength to get Noah in the car. Colleen jumped in the front, she is frantically shaking and crying. Noah is crying and barely breathing. I dont know what to do. I try to comfort Colleen while also trying to support Noah.  "Colleen, baby, its gonna be alright I promise,  just... just focus."  "O..ok", Colleen said while sniffling.  I switched my attention to Noah, who was struggling. "Noah... listen to me... please please keep breathing."  He looked at me, gently shook his head "yes" and continued heavily breathing.  Out of all of us, I know that I have to stay strong. For my family.  It is hard though, with my crying fiancé and my struggling son.

Colleen's PoV

We are getting in the car, and i am driving with Josh in the back with Noah. Noah is  still struggling to breathe.  My heart is racing. I can barely concentrate on driving with the fact stuck in my head that Noah is in danger.  Tears streak down my face.  Josh tells me to focus, so I guess thats what I will do. Its hard to though. My son's life is in our hands.


Colleens PoV

We arrive at the hospital. Noah is pale, shaking, and gasping for air. Josh carries him into the E.R.  Doctors come in and take him away. I go over to Josh and cry on his shoulder.  We cry together and hug until a doctor comes back with information.  
"Hello, you must be the parents of Noah. We are sorry to say that both of his lungs collasped.", I think to myself. "I can't lose him!!!! No!!! It's all my fault!!" I yelled while crying. Josh held me tight to control me.  I sat down and told him about the seizure I had and when the doctor said it could effect the baby.   "Colleen, it's not your fault". "Yes it is!" "It could've happened to anyone." "I'm going to lose him, Josh!" We were in each others arms, crying, and praying that our son could live. Finally we are allowed to see him.  We walk in the room, to see him hooked up to an oxygen machine.  I turn around because I can't even look at him.  I feel so guilty.  Is this really going to cause the death of my son? No, I shouldn't even think about that. No.  I go over to talk to Noah. "Hey, sweetie, how are you doing?" It was hard for him to talk so all he could get out was, "Mommy, Daddy, I love you."  I will never forget those words, because I already knew they would be his last. Josh and I each held one of his hands.  Josh started speaking, "I know I wasn't there for most of your life, and I probably didnt make a huge impact on your life, but that doesn't stop me from loving you and you sure did make a great impact on my life. Noah, I want to be your father.  Now and forever. Let me do what I need to do. And remember, I will always love you." Josh put his head down. Through the mask, Noah whispered, "I..I think I have to let go now." Crying the hardest I ever did in my life,  I started speaking, "Noah, you would never imagine how much I need you.  You helped me get through the terrible times.  If it wasn't for you, I wouldn't be alive right now.  You.. You let me realize the importance of life... I...I..." My voice got interrupted from the long beep and the straight line shown from the monitor. " you".

Joshua D. EvansWhere stories live. Discover now