Alternative Ending Part 1

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Colleens PoV

It has been one week since Josh has been dismissed from the hospital, and let me just say, it has a been a rough one. I thought it would just go back to normal, but living with him again brings me back to all these memories. Let me just say it has been very emotional. Josh is still very weak, and I have been taking care of him. But during this past week, I loved him more then I ever did before. It never felt better to just snuggle up in bed with somebody, especially my well missed lover. So we decided to make a video today, explaining what has been happening. Its was strange, making a video with him again. Noah was on the floor next to me while we were filming. Then he broke out in a coughing fit. I stopped recording to go get him some water. With everything that has been happening this week, I didnt even notice that he's been having a bad cough lately. Noah drank the water, and when he swallowed, he dropped the cup, and held his neck in his hand, as if he was choking. He was gasping for air. I started panicking. "Coll... Colleen, whats happening!", Josh said urgently while rushing over to Noah. "I... I don't know!!", I replied while crying and pacing back and forth. Josh picked up Noah in his arms. How is Josh able to pick Noah up? Josh could barely walk today! Oh god.... what is happening!?

Josh's PoV

It has been a very emotional week for me, Noah, and especially for Colleen. I feel so bad for her, and I want to do everything I can for her. Im still so weak and can barely get up by myself so Colleen and Noah have been helping me. Thank God for them. I really want to make up the time I missed with Noah and be a true dad for my first child. We were in the process of making a video, when Noah suddenly broke out in a coughing fit. I realized he has been coughing all week, but it has been neglected from all the comotion. Colleen gave him some water, but then he started choking! I panicky said to Colleen, "What's happening!". She started crying and pacing, so I picked up Noah and said, "We need to go to the hospital!" I was surprised at this random amount of strength I had, but will I be able to last? Oh god.. if anything happened Noah....

Ahh crying so hard! This is Part 1 of 3. Thanks!

Joshua D. EvansWhere stories live. Discover now