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Colleens PoV

That seizure scared me to death. After this, I will always be nervous and worried that it could happen again. It was two days later, and I was being dismissed from the hospital. "Do you want me to cancel the show?" Rachel asked. "No", I replied. She didnt say anything, as we got into the car. "Thanks for..uh..carrying me, I know how much it hurt.", I said with tears starting. " It was nothing," she said. The rest of the ride was silent, and I hated that. I just had all these emotions I just wanted to realease with her. "Rachel?", I said while tear ran again. "Yeah?"

"Why is this happening to us?" "I dont know Colleen, I dont know" "It all started when Josh died, it's been one thing after another, I hate it." I said, while I put my head in my hands, "I guess this is just our reality and we will have to live with it" I spent the rest of the ride crying. When we got to my place, she helped me out of the car and up the steps. We sat on the couch, and she said, " Just remeber Colleen, I will always be here for you, and you always have a shoulder to cry on" I turned to her, looked into her dreary eyes and rested my head on her shoulder. She hugged me, and we were like that for the longest time. Rachel fell asleep, so I escaped the hug, and started writing what i was going to say at the beginning of the Miranda show. So far I got this: Hey everybody as you may know, these past few weeks have been very hard for my whole family, including me, so I would like to dedicate this show to the one and only love of my life, Joshua D. Evans. The show was in 3 days, and I hope I will be able to make it through.

Yesssss 1k!!!!!! I am soooo happy! Thank you! Any feedback so far?

Joshua D. EvansWhere stories live. Discover now