I love you

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Colleens PoV

There he was. The blank face I was staring at for the past 3 years. Doctors were trying to talk to me, but I couldn't hear anything over the noise of my racing mind and my beating heart. All I heard was, "Ma'am, we detected a movement a couple hours ago."  I cried and cried, I was a wreck.  I went next to him, and put my head on his thin, bony chest.  I listened to his heart beat, praying and praying. Everything around me was a blur.  Then I looked at him, and he miraculously opened his mouth. All the doctors around me were barging in, taking control. "JOSH!!!!!!!",  I screamed helplessly. This is all happening to fast, my brain can't process it.

Josh's PoV

I slowly opened my goopy eyes and the first thing I saw was the love of my life, in tears. She... looked so different, her face looked as if she had been crying for ages. She lost a lot of weight.  Was this really the girl I have been spending my life with? I tried to remember my last thought. I... I was driving... and a car swerved into me.... then everything just went black.  Oh no, was I in a coma?! "Co...Colleen...", I barely got out. I tried lifting my arm to comfort her, I noticed how weak and thin my arm was, which frightened me. I put my arm on her back, and she was shaking so hard. I cant even imagine what she has been through.

Colleens PoV

"Co...Colleen", he said. That was a voice I thought I would never hear in the rest of my life. I was shaking, crying, my heart was pounding, all of these emotions were taking control of me. He then raised his thin, weak arm, and placed it on my back, and I am speechless, but I managed to get out, "Josh.... I love you" "I..I love you too", he barely got out.  I kissed him, and for the first time in 3 years, he kissed back.

This isn't the end of the story!!!  There is probably going to be 2-4 chapters after this! I don't really know but how many more chapters do you guys want and what do you want to see happen in them?!?! Comment please!! Thank you so much!!

Joshua D. EvansWhere stories live. Discover now