Even Toes Count

660 21 4

Colleens PoV

When I woke up, I was super depressed, but I still wanted to make a video about Rachel.  I got dressed and sat at my desk and started filming.

" Hey guys, another accident popped up that I need to dicuss with you guys today.  But first I want to say that, it's a boy! His name will be Noah.   Now to the serious stuff.  When Rachel and I were coming home from the hospital, we got in a car accident. The baby is safe, only because, Rachel protected me with her body.  So she is in the hospital, with scars on her back from the windshied, and her hand got crushed in the door.  I know, perfect timing, right after she got engaged." I said sarcastically while wiping the tears away. "This is just letting you guys know that she probably won't be posting in while. Ok. Bye."

I got a call from my personal doctor, saying that he wanted to do another ultrasound to make sure the baby hasn't been effected.  I had to drive myself, and at the moment I am pretty petrified of driving. But i had to go to the grocery store too, so I might as well. At the hospital, when the ultrasound was taking place, I realized I had a little baby bump. It was really cute, but that made me start to worry more. What if the baby was effected! The doctor came back and said, "Colleen, I am sorry, but your baby has lost a toe. The impact of the accident put pressure on his foot, causing his bone to shift. This might lead to further problems, but there is a only a small chance."  "No, no, ahhh, Noah!", I cried. "Colleen, this was probably the most minor effect that could happened. Honestly, it could have lost it's entire leg."  I was still crying as the doctors cleaned me up.  I visited Rachel, who was at the same hospital, and I walked in crying. " Colleen, what's wrong!"   I went over to her, she looked so much better, like nothing even happened.  I leaned on the hospital bed and quietly said, "He.. He lost a toe"  Rachel's expression drastically changed as she turned her head and started crying.  "It's my fault, I should have protected you better!" 

So close to 500 reads!!!!!!!!!!  Lets Go!!    Feedback?  Any suggestions of what you want to happen?

Joshua D. EvansWhere stories live. Discover now