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Colleens PoV

The car stopped moving. We were upside down though. Rachel's body was covering me and she wasnt moving. I realized Rachel was protecting me and the baby.  Her body was covered in glass from the windshield. Her hand.... Oh no, her hand was crushed in the door and blood was surrounding it. I started screaming for help.  The police arrived in a few minutes and helped us out.  Rachel and I were raced to the hospital. I was yelling and screaming asking if my sister was okay.  Oh God, what if she's dead! Oh, Oh Jesus,  why did this have to happen! Things were finally going well! Oh my God, I felt my stomach, praying that the baby was okay.  We arrived at the hospital. I saw a quick glance of Rachel but instantly regretted looking. She was covered in blood and still unconscious. Her hand was completely shattered. And the ring.. the ring was probably ruined.  After that, there was more crying, screaming, and tests. The baby was fine and I only had minor injuries. Now, pleasd just let Rachel be okay. After a long time, finally the doctors said she has regained consciousness.  They let me see her, and when I walked in, I was balling my eyes out.  I rushed over to her, and the first thing she said was, "Colleen are..  are you alright..."  I nodded while tears took over me "Why, why did you risk your life.. to protect me." "Colleen, I.. I love you"  The doctors broke us apart as they examined her hand and removed the glass pieces.  I noticed that, the ring, was destroyed. It was smashed and blood-stained. I had to call Matt.

Ok, that is definitely all for tonight :)  Hope you enjoy!

Joshua D. EvansWhere stories live. Discover now