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Colleens PoV

I woke up with a baby sticking halfway out of me, with the doctor screaming "PUSH!"  "AHH!!", I replied, "MY VAGINA IS RIPPING IN. HALF!!" Oh God, this isnt good, I could feel the skin splitting with surging blood. "Colleen stay with us, its alright,"  "NO!!!!, I was crying,  "One more push, it's almost out."     "AHHH!!"    I felt it escape me, but something was strange.  It was quiet. There was no baby noises. The only one crying was Rachel, so I knew something was wrong.  "What is it, WHAT'S WRONG WITH MY BABY!"  The doctors rushed away with him.   Rachel looked over to me and said, "Colleen, the umbilical cord was wrapped around its neck and it was just taken to the intensive care unit."

Yasssss!! 1.5k reads!!  This chapter is short, but it is better than nothing!  Feedback?

Joshua D. EvansWhere stories live. Discover now