Without you.

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Colleens PoV

Both shows went really good and both were amazing. Now I finally earned enough money to move. It was tough packing even with my whole family pitching in. Going through all of Josh's things, it was strange. But finally in a few weeks, I am living in my first own house. It is a lot more cheerful here, and a good enviroment for the Noah. I am so exicted to have our baby.

3 months later

I continued going on tour, and the fans are so supportive I just love it. The depression is wearing down, and somedays, in videos, I return into my usual optimistic and joyful self. I looked at myself in the mirror the other day and realized, I was getting pretty big. And I have been experiencing some baby kicks every once in a while. Its so cute! I have always dreamed of this, just getting excited over my pregnancy and these little things. Of course, I always wanted to enjoy with someone. Just the more I think about Josh, the more I feel like he is, mentally, with me. And I keep seeing him in my dreams, always there to tell me he loves me. So I don't really feel lonely all the time. I really do miss him, his hightops, his pretty lady grapes, his triple shot expressos, his hair gel.., I miss all of him. But I have one of his most precious things, his child, which is the one thing I will never lose or forget. That has been the first most important thing that has been keeping me going throughout these months. I dont know where I would be today without this baby.

Yeah this is just a filler, sorry. But soon its gonna get pretty interesting. Feedback?

Joshua D. EvansWhere stories live. Discover now