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Colleens PoV
" Is there going to be a funeral?"
" How are you dealing with it?"
" Are you going to keep doing YouTube?"

These were the most asked questions, and the rest were mostly condolences.  I answered them in full depth and mentioned the note. I had to stop multiple times to wipe my eyes. But finally I was finished and did minimal editing, then posted it.  Once again, my phone went wild, and everybody was very supportive.  I was looking through my subscriptions when I came across Rachels new video  "Proposal Video"  "WHAT!!!!!", I screamed  in joy. I watched the video and it was perfect.  Aw... Matt did so well! They were at this fancy resturant on a date and all of a sudden he popped the question! The ring is so beautiful! Im so happy for her! I called her immedialty.


R: " AH! You saw the video??"

C: " Of course I did, i'm so happy for you! 

R: Really?? Do you want me to come over?

C:  No! Go spend time with Matt!


I am really overwhelmed and so happy for her! Oh and I almost forgot, tomorrow is my first ultrasound! I will know its gender! I went to bed that night with the best feeling in the world, happiness.  I never realized how great happiness really is. But the real question is, will it last?

Rachels PoV

My world turned upside down when Matt proposed to me. I didn't know how to react. Of course I said yes, because I love him, but I want Colleen to be my top priority at this moment.

Joshua D. EvansWhere stories live. Discover now