The Best Sister

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Colleens PoV

The next morning I woke up with morning sickness. After that was done with, I texted my family, about the thought of moving.  Everyone said it was a good idea and that they will pitch in every way they can. 

Rachels PoV

I was leaving the hospital today and I was so happy. Matt picked me up and

dropped me off at Colleen's.

"Hey!" "Rachel! I'm so happy you're back!" We hugged, and she started making lunch.  "Colleen, I am going  to try book a show for next week alright?" "Are you sure, you don't have to rush."  I looked around the room at all the boxes, knowing that she is moving and probably needs extra money. "No, next week is perfect."  "Ok"

I went on my laptop to plan it.  A half hour later, "Ok it is all set, Las Vegas, next Saturday and Denver, Sunday." "Great, I really appreciate it Rachel."

Colleen's PoV

I could have never asked for a better sister.  I am realizing how lucky I am to have her sitting in this room with me and that she is willing to do so much for me. I started tearing up, I ran up to her and hugged her again, "I love you so much, Rachel, please never get hurt again!"  "I love you too Colleen."  We hung out for the rest of the night until she had to go home. That night, i had another dream about Josh. 
(In the dream)
We were in the white room again.
"Josh?", I was already in tears, just seeing his face.
"Colleen, I love you.", he walked over to me, and held my hand.
"Oh, Josh, Ohh, Josh, I love you too"
"Never forget that alright?"
I nodded, staring into his beautiful eyes.
"End of dream"

There ya go! Hope you are enjoying it! Feedback please!

Joshua D. EvansWhere stories live. Discover now