The Note

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Colleens PoV

I woke up feeling like a whole new person. My depression is wearing down a little, so I wanted to start the day off with a Miranda video. I texted Rachel asking if she can help me shoot. She replied saying she would be there in a half hour. I ate breakfast, and started dressing up as Miranda. When I opened the lipstick drawer, I found a note. It was from Josh.
" You are beautiful, no matter who you are"

I felt tears coming on, but I turned them into happy tears. He must of put this in here a couple weeks ago when I called myself ugly as Miranda. I put the note in the area of Colleens corner. The note was suprisingly a huge inspiration, even though it made me miss him a little but more. I continued getting ready as Miranda when Rachel arrived. I told her the video was going to be a yoga challenge. "Okay, but be careful" she said. Doing that video was a lot of fun, so afterwards we went to In and Out. After that Rachel left and I wanted to shoot a Colleens Corner because I really need to tell the viewers what is happening.


"Hi, welcome to Colleens Corner where every Tuesday I answer your questions. (I tried to be optimistic but I dont think I did well) Before we get started I need to adress something serious. So if you dont like serious dont watch this video because all the questions will probably be serious. First of all, if you didnt know, Joshua, passed away in a car accident. (Tears were already in my eyes) Another thing that nobody knows is, that I am pregnant with his child. So I am going to answer questions relating to this"

There ya guys go . Its gonna get really interesting after this. Tell me in the comments if you are enjoying it!

Joshua D. EvansWhere stories live. Discover now