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Joshs PoV

A small little boy came into the room. I was shaking. This... this is my son. He came closer to me. "Daddy?"   "Yes, it's me." He cried and I picked him up and hugged him.

Colleens PoV

I just stood there in the corner watching the two people I love most in the world finally unite. My heart was beating so fast. I looked over at Rachel, who brought Noah, and she was in tears too. She came toward me and hugged me. She whispered,  " It's going to get better now..."   I cried on her shoulder. Josh then got out of his bed for the first time, stumbled over to me on his weak legs. He was holding on to Noah's hand and he hugged me. Noah squeezed into the hug, and for the first time, I was in a real family hug. With my family. And I was truely happy. Finally.

So sorry I couldn't update last week! I was really busy. But this is not the end, next there will be an epilogue and I was thinking about making an alternative ending?  What do you guys want? Thank you!

Joshua D. EvansWhere stories live. Discover now