5 years

566 24 3

Colleens PoV

They came over to me, asking if I felt alright.  I was perfectly fine, and I was trying to remember what has happened.  Then it hit me. Josh is awakening.  I jumped out of bed and held my head, screaming his name. Rachel rushed over to me, put her hand on my shoulder and started shaking me. "GET A HOLD OF YOURSELF COLLEEN!!!!"  I took deep breathes, and tried to make my heart slow down, but it was pointless. I started crying, and hugged Rachel. "Colleen, tell us what happened."  "Josh..... Josh is.... waking.... up.."    Rachel's face went pale, " Are... are you sure?"  " Yeah... the doctor called, then I fainted." We all stood around silently for a few minutes until Noah came over to hug me.  " This little guy saved your life Colleen", Rachel said.  I knelt down and hugged him.  But the only thing on my mind right now is Josh. I asked Rachel to go back to my apartment and watch Noah, because I want to see Josh alone.  I'm am so scared and I dont know why. Its been 5 years since the accident. I have changed so much since then. And.... Noah, he might not even recognize his own child.  He missed everything with Noah, the birth, first words, first walk, everything that parents get to witness together.  But, I really don't care, I just want the love of my life back. Tears were running down my face as I rushed down the hospital halls. I ran into the room, to see multiple doctors surrounding him.  One stopped me and asked who I was. The sad thing was I didnt even know hiw to reply.  " I'm... I'm his wife."  We never actually got married, but in my heart, we did.  They let me get closer to him. He had oxygen hooked up and had IV needeles in his arm, it was hard just to look at him.  But I did.

Omg!! 3k! Thats frekin awesome!! Thanks for all your support it really encourages me to write more!!! Almost finished with the story! Anything that you want to happen before I wrap it up?

Joshua D. EvansWhere stories live. Discover now