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Colleens PoV

The years went by, Noah is healthy, and Rachel had her wedding, it was all going very well. Noah looks like Josh, acts like him, talks like him, and even styles his hair the same way. He is 3 now, and sometime when I look at him, I tear up, and he asks why i'm crying.  My heart always sinks, as I just say, "You remind me of someone."  It was really hard to tell him about his father.

Rachels PoV

Noah has been a gift sent from heaven to Colleen. She is so happy now with him. And I swear, Noah is identical to Josh. I was going over to her house today to work on our next tour.  We started working when the phone rang.  I answered it and some doctor was on the other line.
D: Hello, are you related to Joshua D. Evans.
R: Um.. yes I am, why?
D: We have news to tell you.
R: Who is "we"
D: We are the State Hospital of New York.
R: What about Josh?
D: We want to tell you that he arrived here safetly.
R: What? Why was he sent to you?
D: Well we have rare equipment to help with the coma.
R: What coma, I think you have the wrong person.
D: No, Joshua David Evans from California who slipped into a coma a few years ago after a car accident.

Oh yeah, here we goes guys, this is happening. I'm really exicted! Are you?

Joshua D. EvansWhere stories live. Discover now