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Colleens PoV

After Rachel left,  I went in my bed and was watching YouTube videos.  I watched all the YouTubers in my family tell the viewers what has happened. Thats probably what Rachel is doing now, I thought. I texted her:
C: Hey, you can stay at your place tonight
R: Are you sure?
C: Yes
R: Dont do anything stupid, alright?
C: I won't

After that I decided to watch some videos of Josh and I.   I watched the proposal video and i never cried harder before.  I cried myself to sleep, and then got awoken in a dream.


Josh and I were sitting in a white room across from each other.

"Colleen, I believe in you"

"Oh Josh"

"Colleen, you are going to have to raise the child on your own"

"I know"

" You have a part of me inside of you now, something that you will never forget. And, just remember, I will always choose you"

(End of Dream)

Ah! I woke up in tears, hoping that this was all a dream and that Josh was sleeping next to me.  I looked over, but nobody was there. At that moment, I realized that this is my reality, and I'm going to have to live with it. I am going to raise this child with the best of my ability and never have second thoughts.  I will do it for Josh. I wiped my tears away and went back to sleep with the most courage and strength I had in a while. I couldn't wait for tomorrow.

Hey, guys, hope you are enjoying it. What do you think Rachel's boyfriend's name is?  What do you think of a proposal (hint, hint)?

Joshua D. EvansWhere stories live. Discover now