The End~~~Epilogue

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Colleen's PoV

It has been five years since Josh has awoken, and let me just say it has been the best five years of my life. It has changed a lot, but mostly for the better. My depression vanished. I started turning into my old self. The postive, giggly, and most importantly, the happy one. It's like my life suddenly has meaning again. I got most of my subscribers back, and so did Josh. Speaking of Josh, we had another child. Her name is Lily. Noah is 10 now, and Lily is 3. The pregnancy went great, probably because I have my beloved, Josh. I love that man so much, no one could ever understand. I look back at those hard years, and I cant even picture life without him. He always tells me I'm amazing, how I managed. Even though he knows I almost killed myself. But thats in the past now and I have my whole life ahead of me. Hopefully, I will spend it with my one and only love, Joshua D. Evans.

Omg!! Thats it guys!! Ahh! But dont worry there will be an alternative ending!! More info on that in a bit!! Anyways, how did you like the story?? #joshuadevans

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