The Child

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Colleens PoV

It's two days later. Im still sitting at Josh's side in the hospital, and I never left. I cant keep my eyes off of him, it's like I'm falling in love with him all over again. It's really hard to talk about the years when he has been in a coma but I have told him almost everything that has happened, except Noah. I'm so afraid to tell him and I don't know why. He still is the father. 

Josh's PoV

I have never loved Colleen as much as I love her now. I can't even picture what she must have gone through. I want to be there for her as much as I can, but I don't know how to. We spent the last couple of days kissing and she was telling me what has happened while I was..... away.  Rachel got in a bad car accident too, but then got married, Colleen almost got raped, but then Rachel saved the day, Colleen moved into a house, but then she moved to New York to be closer to me. I cried really hard, because i couldnt be there for her when she needed me the most. But I can sense that she is not telling me something. 

"Colleen, is there something else that has happened?"


"Well, will you tell me"

She started crying, so I tried to comfort her.

" Do you remember like a couple weeks before your accident when we had sex?"


"Um well I forgot to take the pills... and after the accident I found out I was pregnant."

There was dead silence as I tried to process this through my confused mind. I started crying.

"Oh Colleen I love you so much and I hate myself for not being able to be there with.. oh colleen..." I hugged her.  We cried in each others arms. She whispered, "I almost killed myself Josh.."  I couldn't speak. "And when Rachel got in that car accident, I was with her. And she protected my baby. She risked her life." "After that the doctors told us that the baby wouldnt have a toe, but it could've been worse.  I had a couple seizures too, Josh." She took a moment to swallow back the tears, "And when it was time for the birth, he came out with the umbilical cord wrapped around his neck. But somehow the baby turned out to be completely perfect, without any health problems whatsoever. It was a miracle."  "What..What did you name him?", I barely got out.  "Noah, and let me tell you, everytime I look at him, all I see is you"   I'm crying so hard now. I... I.. cant believe that.. I am a father.  "I... I missed everything... the birth... first words... first walk...."  "I don't care, Josh, the important thing is that you are with us now and we can finally be a real family."  Then Colleen stepped out of the room, and came back in with a small, young boy.

This is not the end there is more to come!! Feedback?

Joshua D. EvansWhere stories live. Discover now