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Colleens PoV

The next morning, I shot a Miranda video with the kids.  It was a lot of fun. Chris came to pick then up and i asked if he could help me shop later.  He said ok, then left.  I edited the videos, and ate a lot of food.   A few hours later, Chris came back, and we went to his favorite all baby store. Everything in there gave me so much joy. It was all so cute and tiny! There was so many things I needed, we were in there for hours. We had to get clothes, toys, food, bottles, a crib, a carseat, and the list goes on and on.  When we were in the check out line, I forgot this would cost so much money. It came to a total of $1135. I freaked for a moment, and Chris offered to help, but I pulled out my credit card quick enough. We packed the stuff in the car and decided to visit Rachel, who gets dismissed from the hospital tomorrow. We got there, I walked into her room, and told her about all the stuff we got at the store.  She was really happy, and totally looked like nothing happened at all. Then I mentioned, "Hey, when you are completely healed, would you mind doing some Miranda shows with me?"  "I would love too!!!"  "Awesome, Chris can you come with us?"  "Sure", he said.   After that, we went home, Chris helped me unpack the car, and then left.  With all the stuff in my apartment, it made me think of that house Josh and I were looking at before. I searched it online, and saw that the price drastically dropped! Maybe it would be a good idea to move, and start fresh. I looked at the online bank, and spent the next hour doing finacial stuff, and found out that after only a few Miranda shows, I could make it work!

Are you enjoying it??? I am having a blast writing it, but I want some suggestions on what major event you want to happen!   The more suggestions you give the more I will update! Thank you!!

Joshua D. EvansWhere stories live. Discover now